Tajin salsa (pronounced TA HEEN) is an absolutely delicious Mexican salsa in powder form.

Anyone can sprinkle it on anything from fruit that has a tart taste (apples and mangos come to mind) to corn, tacos, soups, etc. It has been sold in the USA and Mexico for years, and now the Japanese are catching on.

Tajin was recently featured in a popular Japanese infomercial called "Hirunandesu!" , on Nippon Television Network. This infomercial declared that Tajin is one of the three “T”s that Mexicans cannot stop loving. These three “T”s are Tacos, Tequila, and Tajin.  

As stated, Tajin is all purpose seasoning, and it is ADDICTING! You’ll see! You can even sprinkle Tajin on ice cream, believe it or not! This is soul food. Literally, it will speak to your soul. Buen provecho!



日本テレビ人気情報番組」ヒルナンデス」で 「タヒン」が紹介されました!

「メキシコ人🇲🇽が愛して止まない3T」として、「タヒン」が紹介されました! 3T って?

Tequila ( テキーラ) , Tacos (タコス ) それから、Tajin( タヒン)

メキシコのソールフード タヒンは、お肉にアイスクリーム、フルーツにと、何にかけても癖になる万能調味料です。