anzuのブログ -3ページ目


杏のブログ-haken2 再放送、また見てしまいました。リアルな点は絶妙にコメディ化していて、笑ってしまう。そして、毎回観終わると、背中がぴんとなります。「働くことは生きること」というセリフがありました。立派です。

Again, I saw a rerun of Haken no Hinakaku Dignity of Temp Staff. This drama makes the reality of temp staff finely comedy, and it makes laugh. And I feel straightening out myself every time after I watch an episode. To work is to live is one of the words in the drama. Admirable.



いつのまにか、 ルミナリエの準備が始まっていました。職場に近いので、少しずつ出来上がっていく過程を楽しめます。年の瀬を感じる時です。

The Luminarie construction has started already. It is near to my office, so I can enjoy its progress every day. This is a moment that the end of year is approaching.





I felt ok with this drama. The keyword is “Now for it.” The heroine played by Norika naturally catches her turning points, “Now for it!” People around her get influenced by her and they notice their own “now for it.”

A jockey who rises Chance, the heroine’s racehorse, also hears “Now for it!” by his late trainer during the race, then he whips Chance . This was the best scene to me.



しつけ教室Cocoro 主催のハロウィーン・パーティに参加しました。犬と飼い主が参加する食事会です。タロウはたくさんの人と犬がいる場所に行ったことがないので、少しずつ雰囲気に慣れるために、私たちの席は隅っこになりました。一度に16匹の犬を見るのは初めてで、犬好きにとっては目に楽しい集まりでした。

We attended Halloween Party hosted by Cocoro , the dog obedient school with Taro. Dogs and their owners attended. Taro had never been in a place with lots of people and dogs, so, the host guided us to the corner table, so that Taro could gradually get used to the atmosphere. It was the first time for me to see 16 dogs at one time. Just seeing them was fun.





I recorded Then She Found Me, because I found the name, Helen Hunt on the TV page in the newspaper.

At first, I was surprised that some talented actors and actresses were on the film. The story was too realistic to me, and I even felt some people might feel pains, although the film has elements of comedy. This might mean the screenplay is excellent, but I felt I had watched a documentary program, not a movie as an entertainment.