"Many Americans are just one bad stock market crash away from not being able to retire on time. Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s the scary reality. Many Americans are taking more risks than they realize. You work your entire life, put money into your 401(k), and have “done everything right”, but could end up having to delay your retirement by several years because of one bad market crash. Like the one we had in 1987. Or the one we had in 1990. Or the one we had in 2000. Or the one we had in 2008. Or, most recently, the one we had in 2020... And that’s just in the past few crashes. Don’t forget about the other years with a major market crash, like 1982, 1972, 1968, 1965, 1961, 1946, 1938, 1929, 1922, 1906, and 1903...