【scream of pleasure】 -6ページ目

cyber gerbil


This is my gerbil Isshi! (‐^▽^‐)

He is so cute ♥


Today I went with Eva to the new shopping mall in Saarbrücken and I bought this beautiful thing:

MΞLのブログ-iPod nano

It's a iPod nano (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆

Gosh, I love it so much, I can't wait to hear music with it!
At the moment, I synch it with my music library on my computer (*^o^*)

Later, we went to McCafé and I drank a caffé latte with vanilla shot~ Delicious (^ε^)


After that, I was in a shopping frenzy so I bought the first book of the highland saga by Diana Gabaldon v(^-^)v

MΞLのブログ-Diana Gabaldon

All in all a great day! Spend 172€ in 3 hours - new record (*^ー^)ノ


Good morning everyone!


It's monday. I don't want to go to work, I feel sick and tired and I want to go back to my bed 。(´д`lll)

Yesterday, I was ice-skating with Eva, Sabi and Ela and it was so much fun!

But I think, now I'll get ill because of the cold air in the ice-skating hall (x_x;)

Okay, enough of that nonsense, I need to get ready. Ugh.. (´_`。)

Kilirenger :D

Yesterday I had been to Jil's place again and we had a lot of fun!

We watched the 2nd anniversary DVD of AND, talked nonsense and ate instant noodles with energy drink, it was pretty funny (`∀´)


Afterwards I went to the city and checked the new shopping mall in Saarbrücken called "Europa Gallerie", what totally flashed me because it is so huge and beautiful and all the best shops you can imagine are in there! (Unfortunately no claire's (_ _。) )

I was impressed! ♥

Mirror's Edge

Pretty cool game! (^O^)

But it is really difficult (;´Д`)ノ

I am just in chapter 2 and played around 3 hours ( ̄Д ̄;;

But I love Faith, she is sexy fufufuuu~

MΞLのブログ-mirror's edge faith