"Etsy Marketing: Selling on Etsy with SEO, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Other Social Medias

Uncover the little-known secrets to selling your art and crafts online with Etsy, eliminate the guesswork out of dominating the Etsy marketplace, and learn how to generate passive income.Are you a creative person, crafter, builder, artist, photographer, or baker looking for an effective way to make money off your art and crafts? Do you sell vintage items and digital art and are looking for a powerful platform to help you sell your products - all from the comfort of your home or workspace?If your answer is yes to any of the questions above, then this audiobook is for you.Many creatives on Etsy often put up a mediocre listing without any strategy and wring their hands, hoping for sales. Little wonder they give up when they don't see sales after months of waiting. But it doesn't have to be that way.In this audiobook, Christopher Kent takes you by the hand and shows you how to build a profitable Etsy listing from scratch. You'll learn how to optimize your listings for high visibility on 