I know I am late in the game but I was in Atlanta Georgia! But seeing as I dont have time for a photo post now I will write what I want to accomplish for 2010 (^∇^)

-Try to keep this Blog up and alive! I haven't a lot of time to update but hopefully I can have some time
-Don't worry about getting a man, It will happen eventually! Don't stress about it (^ε^)♪
-Explore new things! Try new foods, new music, feed your curiosity!
-Work out more! Time to loose that holiday weight, especially from eating delicious southern food
-Be more confident and believe in myself after all I came out of my shell this year! Lets blossom into a social butterfly!
-Try to send 50 people on AIESEC training ships! The goal has been set and now it must be met!
-Study hard to raise that GPA, last semester wasn't hot but now It should be better.
-Save money, especially for bills, there are things you like but you cant have them all learn to save
-Explore the city and take more photos!
-Be a kick ass VP of Outgoing Exchange, the Entire Future of AIESEC San Francisco needs you! I hope I can do a great job (*^ー^)ノ
-Make everyday Karaoke day! Sing to your hearts content! Remember that you wanted to master "No Good Deed" from the Wicked soundtrack? Well now is the time to master it! 音譜

I hope I can accomplish everythingラブラブ
Its Almost Christmas time!!!
It is one of my favorite holidays ラブラブ I love the sights and smells! Also the cute winter fashions that come with it.
College has been alright, the semester has been very hard! But It was worth it!! I joined a group on campus called AIESEC, AIESEC is an international youth platform to promote cultural understanding and promoting leadership. I was recently elected to Vice President of Outgoing Exchange! I am excited because I get to help people find internships overseas!! (^∇^) It has been rewarding and I will be going to Atlanta Georgia for a conference.

I have never been to Atlanta but I hear it is very hot since it is in the south. I am nervous but excited, I was also invited to go to Japan with my friends but Japan is so expensive right now. I would love to go to Japan and visit my friends again!! 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。 I miss Japan very much!

Here are some pictures that I got to take!

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Isabella is so little and cute! She came all the way from Los Angeles. She also likes to s with my sister to come visit me! I was so happy, she also likes to play with random objects. She grabbed my Ito en tea away from me! shes too cute

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Gingerbread lattes are so cute! this one was made with lots of love and the cutest Gingerbread man ever! Very delicious.ラブラブ

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I was recently in a performance for international week at my University! I represented Peru and did a dance called Huanyo which is very Peruvian Andes style. The outfits and makeup are very colorful and fun! I have some more pictures somewhere. Dancing is something I love to do

What do you like to do during the winter? Do you like it a lot?
I have been so busy that I forgot to update ごめんなさい!m(_ _ )m I promise to update more in the future!

San Francisco has had some strange weather! It has been humid at night, I am not a big fan of it because my hair seems to not cope well with it 汗. But it also has been Rainy which I like a lot!

I will try to update as much as I can! I promise ラブラブ