Welcome back! Now let’s continue our lesson

with Letter “Bb”. 🤗


今日は''Bb'' のお勉強をしました爆笑

Today we will not only learn about Letter “Bb” sound, big letter, small letter, some word examples but also we will recall our shapes. 


Now that everybody’s settled. Let’s start! Everyone will have a chance to color and write for today. 


Y-kun seems very excited and  volunteered to be the first one to be called. He can pronounce all the shapes, Letter “Bb”, sounds and words very clearly. 



R-chan was here too. She can write and color without any help. She did a great job!


K-kun was listening very well because he already what to do when I called him. K-kun is also getting better at writing because he did by himself. 


S-chan was also getting better at pronouncing some English words. We can hear her voice loud and clear. She has also the neatest writing of all the students. 


And our youngest students for today are interested to join as well! They look very cute. 


Now take a look at their writing skills. Well done everyone! 


And for the last minutes of our lesson we also learned how to answer “What is your name?” and everyone can clearly say their names. Then we also learned how to do the chicken dance. 

最後は''What is your name?''と聞かれた時の答え方を練習しましたラブ

みんな''I'm 〇〇''と元気よく答えていましたニコニコ

chicken danceも習って、、口笛

Learning is fun but we have to say goodbye for now. I hope to see you all again next week. Have a wonderful weekend. ❤️

