today, i went to college and took 2 classes.

after 2nd class, i dropped by my labo,and talked with my senior about an hour.

thorough that talk, i got the structure of presentation at Mr.Abiko's class.

making contents meaningful learning is my essential/crucial theme!!

and making currently english teaching/education more meanigful is the theme which i wanna do this time!

nonmeanigful work has limitation of memorization and it makes students so disgusted.

it is important for teachers to have students be more motivated.

meanigful learning changes education, i'm sure.

i'm proud of being a member of Magara's team.

I have a lot of things to do!("a lot of" is usually used in declarative sentence.)

I have to complete my report of the seminar by day after tomorrow.
But, I don't have any ideas of's tough to read completely several books and come up with some idea.

but,i wanna keep my word. (Don't add "s" to "word")
to write good paper,i have to search a lot,and collect any information!
("search"has both vt and vi meanig)

tomorrow, i am to go to college,and take 2 classes,then go back home,and do my task.

because i have a part job tomorrow night,i wanna finish my task by 18:00 tomorrow!

see u
good nightパー

14:00~1800 @sai



