
Bought a shirt from Top Shop! I've been wanting a plaid shirt for a while now after seeing a lot of coordination examples in magazines. 音譜


Bought a 3DS finally!! アップ

I originally bought it because of the new Professor Layton game (also Layton vs Phoenix Wright is coming to North America?!)... but they had this in store so I bought it!

I didn't play any of the original Kingdom Hearts, but I played the one for DS and also The World Ends with You. TWEWY was one of my favourite games so I was super excited when it showed up in the first world. And then Axel showed up too!! アップアップアップ

And now I've progressed to Tron world. !? I didn't know Disney owned Tron. Also super excited for this world.

I happened to go into the electronics store today and saw Pokemon Y for sale. I think I've grown out of Pokemon. I'm just not excited for it any more. I didn't even finish Black, which was the last one I bought. I'm super nostalgic for Yellow though since that was my first game.