If you have foreign friends, how do you introduce them to Thailand?

Take them on a tour of the beautiful tourist destinations?

Taste an array of delicious Thai food?

Or recommend engaging Thai films and series?

Thailand has a lot of charms to indulge in, but one of the appeals one cannot deny is the “Thai language” which, in any shape thai language or form, is so melodious and pleasing to the ear.


Is Thai language really easy?

Did you know when the word "Sawasdee" was first used?

Mastering Thai Language Grammar: Key Rules and Concepts

Sounds of Thai Language: What to Watch Out For

Top Online Resources for Learning Thai Language

How to Learn Thai Language Fast: Tips and Techniques for Foreigners

Thai Language Immersion: Advantages of Living and Learning in Thailand

Study Thai at Chula

Thai Language Proficiency Tests: What You Need to Know

Key Takeaways

“Lately, we are seeing more and more people from many countries around the world become interested in learning the Thai language. With this booming interest comes the advent of many things: the digital world, the end of language barriers, easier travel, the export of goods and drama series, and various soft power trends,” said Assistant Professor Dr. Kiat Thepchuaysuk, Director of the Center for Thai as a Foreign Language (CTFL), Chulalongkorn University.

Assistant Professor Dr. Kiat Thepchuaysuk, Director of the Center for Thai as a Foreign Language (CTFL), Chulalongkorn University

Assistant Professor Dr. Kiat Thepchuaysuk

Whether you are studying for a career, doing business, learning to communicate with favorite stars, or even learning the language just for fun, most foreigners say the same thing: “The Thai language is hard.”

But for Dr. Kiat, a specialist in linguistics and teaching Thai language to foreigners, “Thai is easier to understand than you think, and can actually be a lot of fun if we know the basics, tricks, and tips.”

In this article, Dr. Kiat will give advice and easy-to-understand language tips for those who are thinking seriously about learning Thai. Native speakers will also learn fun facts about the language that will show that Thai is not as complicated as you think. It is actually a charming language that reflects the fun and creativity of the Thai people.

Is Thai language really easy?

Most of the students who start learning Thai language often say that it is difficult. Dr. Kiat said that it is because of the characteristics of Thai language that are different from the mother tongue of foreign learners in various aspects as follows:

1. Writing, Grammar, and Tone Systems

Thai language has its own writing system and unique alphabets that are not shared with any other languages. The grammar is also different from some of the learners’ mother tongues. Thai is also a tonal language and the different tones can confuse many Western foreigners such as the word “Kao” in different tones can either mean fishy, news, rice, or white. This is because tones are not present in Western languages.

2. A wide range of language hierarchy

Although many languages have a hierarchy, it is very prominent Thai language.

In sentences that convey the same meaning, choosing words to communicate depends on many factors, such as whether the sentence is spoken or written, who we are going to communicate with, in what situations, etc. The vocabulary sets used are all different.

“If you want to write beautifully, you will use one set of vocabulary, while if you speak to your parents or your teachers, you’ll use another set of vocabulary. Even when you talk to your friend, sometimes you have to think whether this is a close friend, and the vocabulary also is different,” Dr. Kiat explained.

3. New words are coined all the time

Every language has inside slang that are used within the group. But Thai people are born with linguistic creativity, especially teenagers and LGBT+ groups who always invent new words to communicate within their groups. And because these new words are for fun, they often become widely popular in society. It is the charm of Thai language that indicates the character of Thai people who are fun-loving and creative quite well.

Did you know

when the word “Sawasdee” was first used?

The word “Sawasdee” has its roots in Sanskrit. The word “Sawasdee” means prosperity, peace, and goodness. It was first used as a greeting during Phraya Uppakitsilpasarn’s time in 1933, used it as a greeting among students and professors of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Then the government of Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram declared it to be a commonly used term from 1943 onwards.


Mastering Thai Language Grammar: Key Rules and Concepts

Thai language of today is influenced by a combination of many languages such as Bali, Sanskrit, Khmer, Chinese, Javanese, Burmese, Malay, Persian, and some European languages such as Portuguese and English, etc. The vocabulary and grammar of Thai language, therefore, have certain traces of those languages as well. According to Dr. Kiat, a few grammatical points of Thai language that foreigners should know before starting their study to learn faster and understand the Thai language more easily are:

Arrangement of words in declarative sentences

Normally, when we learn different languages, we have to look at the basic sentence form of how the subject, verb, and object are arranged. Thai language uses the same structure as English or Chinese, i.e. subject > verb > object, for example, I eat rice. This is different from some languages which have the structure of subject > object > verb, such as Japanese or Korean, making it “I rice eat.”

Although two languages may share similar basic sentence structures, the grammar of both languages is not necessarily identical. This is only one way to easily understand a simple basic sentence in speech. Although Thai and Chinese speak in the same pattern of subject, verb, and object, Chinese language has a different structure of noun phrases from Thai language. Therefore, instead of saying “I eat two plates of rice,” a native Chinese speaker may misspeak and say “I eat two rice plates, for example.”

Therefore, if you want to speak Thai like a native speaker using more complex sentences, you need to learn more grammar.

“Many Thai language grammatical features are quite easy to understand and straightforward compared to many other languages because we have no tense, no verb conjugation, no complicated grammar rules. In Thai language, you just memorize the vocabulary and string the words together, and you’ll be able to communicate in Thai without difficulty,” Dr. Kiat explained.

Forming simple negative sentences and questions.

Now that you know how to write a simple sentence, if you want to use different forms of sentence, such as negative sentences, all you have to do is add the word “no (mai)” to the front of the verb, or for a question, add the word “mai (different tone)” to the end of the sentence. It’s very simple.

Describing a noun – put the noun first, then the adjective

Describing nouns in Thai language is different from some other languages. In other words, in Thai, we usually say the main noun first and then the descriptive or complementary words. Let’s look at the words “hot tea” in English, Japanese, Chinese, or Korean. The word “hot” is said first, then the main noun “tea”. Therefore, if a foreigner who speaks these languages come to learn the Thai language and does not understand this grammar, they can easily make mistakes in the word order.

Sounds of Thai Language: What to Watch Out For

Thai pronunciation has a few points to pay attention to. If students understand and practice well, they will be able to speak and understand Thai as native speakers without difficulty.

1. Consonants

The first stage that Thai language learners need to learn is phonetic sounds. In terms of writing, there are 44 consonants, but only 21 sounds (English has 24 phonetic sounds). Some Thai consonants have the same sound. And if we look closely, Thai phonetic sounds are quite systematic, and are grouped in pairs as well, such as “g for gai”, “kh for khai”, “Dt for dtao”, and “Th for thoong” “Bpaaw for bplaa”, and “Ph for phaan” In the beginning, it may be a little difficult to tell the difference of all the sounds, but if you listen often, it is not as difficult as you think.

Another caution, especially for Westerners, is the ending consonant. In English, when pronouncing the ending consonant, we usually aspirate at the end. But in Thai, we don’t do so. For example, in the word “rak” (love), the ending “k” is not pronounced.

2. Vowels

The vowels of Thai language are another point that foreigners are not familiar with. As previously mentioned, the Thai language has fewer consonant sounds than English. But on the other hand, English has 20 vowels, while Japanese only has 5 vowels, /a/ /i/ /u/ /e/ /o/. But in Thai, we have 24 vowels. Not to mention the special vowels /am/ /ai/ /ai/ /au/ and /reu/ /reu:/ /lü/ /lue/ which are compound sounds with the consonants. There may seem a lot, but these are simply a pair of short and long sounds, as well as combinations of vowel sounds as well. So, it can be linked and learned without much difficulty.

3. Tones

Tones in Thai language are the most challenging for foreign