Superstar athletes, actors, rock stars, politicians, even entrepreneurs have groupies that will do just about anything to have sex with them, but can they be trusted? Will they lie about the act being consensual? Could they threaten to sue or worse still, make an accusation about sexual assault? You bet they can! So how can these people who are regularly out of town and away from home, which can lead to loneliness and result in temptation, protect themselves? Condoms can protect from the Std's and unwanted pregnancy. Another form of protection is to have a signed sexual consent form before having any sex as I described on TV's Celebrity Justice, CNN , ABC , Fox News and Good Morning America

If you think that a sexual consent form is only for the rich and famous, think again. Even if you have no assets, you need to protect yourself from false accusations because you can lose everything including your personal property, freedom and reputation. There are many other benefits to signing a sexual consent form, including the fact that you literally open up a form of intimate communication prior to rushing into sex. And, ladies the sexual consent form can protect you from being taken advantage of sexually because there is an -out clause- that stipulates that if you say the words -Code Red,- your partner must stop immediately. I chose this phrase because the words -No- and -Stop- have been used all too frivolously in our society and unfortunately, they are not always taken seriously. By using the sexual consent form with an FDA approved condom, you could protect yourself legally and sexually.

Benefits of a Sexual Consent Form

- I created it so that there will be no confusion or miscommunication as far as sexual consent is concerned.

- It protects men from conniving women who may bring false charges of sexual misconduct for financial gain.

- Even men who have no assets need to protect themselves from false accusations because they can lose everything that is dearest Escorte București to them. Property, freedom and their reputation.

- This form is actually a way for the man to ask for permission to have sex with the woman.

- Women should NOT sign it if they do not trust the man are not ready for intimacy.

- It can be a form of foreplay before you get to the bedroom since you get to talk about sex before rushing into it. Great communication.

- The woman can select which sexual activities she wants to indulge in.

- -No- & -Stop- has been used frivolously, playfully and teasingly & is not taken seriously anymore. The phrase Code Red will not be mistaken for anything other than -high alert- hands off, you've gone too far. A similar 'Out Clause' is used in consensual bondage.

- Code Red is an alert that means stop because I am having physical or emotional problems. He must stop instantly.

- Any contract is contestable, even a prenuptial or Will. But if I were accused, I would rather go to court with it than without it. It would be admissible and relevant as evidence of consent if signed by the alleged victim.

- It's a great way to keep tabs on how many sex partners you've had.

- This is not a rape tool. On the contrary, I believe that it will prevent rape. A rapist is less likely to use a sexual consent form.

- As for the argument that a woman can be forced into signing it, I contend that a handwriting expert could probably identify a forced signature.

- There is never a guarantee that someone will NOT take advantage of you sexually, emotionally or physically. The best line of defence is always to be cautious and listen to your gut instincts. Never do anything that you do not want to do!