I ever register with this ID then forgot the password. Thus i cannot post anythink in this blog since lone. Then i register the new one and forgot the password again. Now i can log in with the very first ID and all of my previous blog was disappear...,..

sop sad...(T__T)


今日後藤真希さん の cd かいました。

高いですけど。 後藤さんがだいすきです。

dvd ライブ買いません。  今 お金 ない。Y(>_<、)Y

でも、来年 DVD - Live Tour 2007 G-Emotion2 - How to use sexy かいます。(b^-゜)


Today day is what day???? Can you guess?

of course, today is Haloween Day.

Anyone go out for meet up a party.

For me, stay at home and watch ghost movie. 555+

~~~~~~~~~~~HAPPY HALOWEEN DAY~~~~~~~~~~

PS. i still sad about Maki Goto's news. T_T