






5/15  Friday

I thought to begin the diary. Today is my diary anniversary.

I have three reason why I begin the diary.

First, I want to develop my English writing skills. I cannot speak and writing English well.

I think of using diary.

Second, I want to practice typing skills. I am not accustomed to using PC, because I bought PC only one month ago.

Third, I want to make my record. When I start job hunting in the future, I will read this again.

Then, this diary is good morgue. I can remember what I thought , and my English skills.


By the way, I felt my first failure. When I had my English class, could not keep up with it.

Our classmate can speak English smoothly, but I cannot listen them.

I disappointed my ability. I did preparation well. Nevetheless I could not...


So, I decided to improve my English skills!!!!!

I think of five plans such as writing English diary, do the English textbooks, politely preparation, speaking with online teacher and my classmate.

I try to take online lessons tomorrow.


I promise me to get over limits.