この前のブログで,少しずつ日本語を覚えて前向きに頑張るようになった.ちょうどその頃英文新聞の記事で神戸に外国人の為にBloom where are you planted’ 「植えられた所に咲く」というセミナーが10月から毎月一回に開催する.その時の私にお金は少し高かったですが,でも参加するようにした.このセミナーはCHIC-Community House & information という団体が行われた.
Hello Everyone,
Sorry for my long absence. So many things had occurred, and the saddest thing was I lost my younger sister nearly 3 months ago. It was a real shock and still not easy to accept it and this emptiness can never be filled.
Well, I will restart writing my blog after long time. Let’s go back once again to 1979. I was getting accustomed to spoken Japanese language and one day I found in an English Newspaper about a seminar ‘Bloom where you are planted’ in Kobe held by CHIC-Community House & Information Center.
I decided to join, and it helped me a lot. I could meet people and made from different countries. Laurel Sicks from Canada invited me to her house where we had chatted until late evening.
In December there was a potluck party and some people had shown interest to wear a saree, an Indian traditional dress. A press reporter from Asahi Newspaper had written a feature and I was on the Newspaper. I was so happy to share this to my parents and friends in India.
It helped me to understand that people are same beyond the barriers of cultures.
It made me realize that I am lucky to have a chance to do something different and I will bloom in this foreign land as my roots are strong,
Thank you
日本に住んで40年: インドのママアダルシュのブログへようこそ
ナマステ!こんばんば!Hello 皆さん,お元気でしょうか?私も元気です.長い間ブログを書けなくて,ごめんなさい.10月から大学の授業で頭が一杯で,余裕がなくて
材料 (4人分)
鳥のもも肉 500gm
ヨーグルト(無糖) 150gm
玉ねぎ(中) 2個 (みじん切り)
トマト(中) 2個 (皮をむき角切り)
トマトピューレー 100gm
おろしにんにく 小さじ一杯
おろししょうが 小さじ一杯
サラダ油 大さじ2杯
塩 小さじ2杯
ターメリック 小さじ1杯
がラムマサラ 小さじ一杯
唐辛子パウダー 小さじ半分 (好みにより)
レモン果汁 小さじ一杯
パセリ又はパクチー 少々
ガラムマ サラを加え中火で10分ぐらい手早く炒める.
Hello Everyone!
Hoping all of you are doing fine. I am fine too. From October I was quite stuck with my University classes. Today I am sharing very basic Chicken masala curry. You don't need to get confuse to use spices as there are only three spices, Turmeric, red Chilli powder and Garam Masala. You can adjust the spices according to your taste.
Hoping to see you soon.
Chicken Masala Curry
Ingredients ; (4 people)
Chicken thigh meat 500 gm
Plain Yoghurt 150gm
Onion 2 medium size (minced finely)
Ginger 1 teaspoon (grind to paste)
Garlic 1 teaspoon (grind to paste)
Tomato 2 medium size (skinned and chopped)
Salt 1 teaspoon
Turmeric 1 teaspoon
Garam masala 1 teaspoon
Red chilli powder half teaspoon
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Cooking oil 2 tablespoon
Parsley or coriander leaves to garnish
1. Cut the chicken into bite size and marinate in yogurt with little salt for
2-3 hour.
2. Heat oil and fry the onion, garlic and ginger paste to the
golden color on the medium fire.
3. Add the salt, turmeric, chilli powder and garam masala.
4. Add marinated chicken pieces along with yogurt,
chopped tomatoes and tomatoes puree. Fry briskly for 10 minutes.
5. Cook it on the slow fire for 30-40 minutes and add little water if required.
6. Add lemon juice.
7. Transfer on to a dish, garnish with fresh parsley or coriander
and serve with rice