"DOWNLOAD/PDF  Arrested: Battling America's Criminal Justice System


Learn how to protect yourself from the American criminal justice system. And why you need to!Arrested: Battling America&#8217 s Criminal Justice System is not a book for just anyone. After all, if you&#8217 re a career criminal with no remorse, it probably won&#8217 t help you&#8212 but it could. If, on the other hand, you are a good, decent, law-abiding citizen who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time&#8212 or know someone who was&#8212 or you just want to know more about the American criminal justice system, this book is definitely for you.Practicing criminal defense attorney Dan Conaway has written Arrested to help us all understand our rights and responsibilities as upstanding citizens of the country we live in.&#8220 The Beast&#8221 &#8212 as he refers to our criminal justice system&#8212 has very little in common with the way it is depicted on TV crime dramas. Clearing away the fiction, Conaway addresses the following real-world topics:&#8226  What should you say 