Although I came this month back from Japan, I decided to fly once again.

This time in march, 3th-12th. I'm so exitited! I wonder, if the Sakura already bloom at this time *_* I really wanted to see this one time.

It's only sad, that I'm once again can't travel to Kyoto... But Tokyo is so big, I need a very long time to discover all things ^^

In Tokyo I went to two Book-Off stores... whoah, so many CD's for such a low price! I wished I could bought all XD

A few photos from the CD's:

TonaのLIFE-Luna Sea and HaMC



I just thought, that I maybe should write an entry about my journey in japan.
But I wrote suuuuuuuuuuch a long entry in my german community... for hours. And I don't want to do this again XD°°

Just one thing

Takadanobaba Area Final was just great.
I had the chance to see Hi:Brid live and I really liked their performance.
LIZ surprised me very much, I have to listen to their music *_*
SuG were just funny. Really, it was so fun to dance to their music ^_^
Moran... whoah. I really had an other image of them, as this what they have done at this live. But I really really like it.
Screw... well Screw. They hade the countdown and it was just... funny XD Although I don't like Byou (in my eyes he is just a copy of Ruki...) he was nice this evening... he didn't know what to do!
He said "sit down"
All sit down, wondering
Members laughing. He is confused, turned around, see us - laughs. "Stand up".
All stand up, wondering, he walks on the stage, said again "sit down" but no one did it XDDD