In a world saturated with noise and chaos, where the hustle and bustle of everyday life often drown out the whispers of our inner selves, there exists a sanctuary of peace and creativity – the realm of intuitive drawing. Guiding us through this enchanting journey is the visionary visual artist, Carla dos Santos, whose profound understanding of the spiritual and inner growth through art has illuminated the path for countless seekers. Here you FInd All The Collections.


Carla dos Santos is not merely an artist; she is a conduit for the expression of the soul. With her unique blend of creativity, intuition, and spiritual insight, she invites us to delve deep into the recesses of our being, to unearth the dormant seeds of imagination and creativity waiting to blossom.


At the heart of Carla's practice lies the transformative power of intuitive drawing. Unlike traditional forms of art, which often rely on meticulous planning and technique, intuitive drawing is a spontaneous and free-flowing process. It is about surrendering to the unknown, allowing the hand to move freely across the canvas, guided only by the whispers of the soul.

In Carla's workshops and sessions, participants are invited to shed their inhibitions and embrace the joy of creation without judgment or expectation. Through a series of guided exercises and meditations, Carla gently encourages her students to tap into their inner muse, to connect with the source of their creativity that lies beyond the confines of the rational mind.


The results are nothing short of magical. As strokes of color and form dance across the page, a sense of liberation washes over the participants, as if they are witnessing the birth of something truly authentic and profound. Each drawing becomes a mirror reflecting the inner landscape of the artist's soul, revealing hidden truths and insights that defy verbal expression.

But intuitive drawing is more than just a creative outlet; it is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. By bypassing the limitations of language and logic, it allows us to access deeper layers of consciousness, where profound healing and self-discovery can occur. Through the act of creation, we are able to confront our fears, release our inhibitions, and embrace the fullness of our being.



For Carla dos Santos, art is not merely a means of self-expression; it is a sacred journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. With each brushstroke and line, she invites us to embark on a pilgrimage of the soul, to explore the hidden depths of our innermost being and emerge renewed, inspired, and infinitely more connected to the vast tapestry of existence.

So, if you find yourself yearning for a deeper connection to your creative self, if you feel the call of the muse stirring within, then perhaps it is time to heed the invitation of Carla dos Santos and embark on a journey of intuitive drawing and inner exploration. Who knows what mysteries await you on the blank canvas of your soul?