
おはよう御座います。 今、世界初のノニ➕CBD届きました。 元熊本大学脳神経内科医の正高先生より頂いた情報です。 凄い、凄い✨✨ CBD研究の専門家であるフィリップ・ブレア博士の発表。 「CBDを摂取するとコロナウィルスに感染しにくく、感染したとしても軽度で治る」可能性が高いと言われてます。 下記はその研究の英文とGoogle翻訳で日本語翻訳したものです。✨✨ CBD+ノニを今は通常よりも多めに飲んで免疫力を高めましょうね。✨ Coronavirus Consistently, CBD appears to reduces the susceptibility to all types of viral infections perhaps by improving membrane impermeability and immune defense functions. This is based on 5 years of my client base experience. If a viral infection does occur the illness is brief, one to two days, and mild. One example is a parent of six school age children who finds that daily dosing has prevented them from missing school for several years in spite of usual waves of community viral illness. This has been true for the parents as well. CBD has no known anti-viral effect on coronavirus like it does with hepatitis C virus and staph or streptococcus bacterial infections. CBD reduces the inflammatory response to both bacterial and viral infections. Studies show CBD protects against sepsis, the most serious manifestation of bacterial infection. Often our inflammatory response is the most serious part of an illness. While innately designed to protect in many cases both bacterial and viral use that response to propagate the infection throughout the body and to other persons. CBD has specific action on immune cells to reduce the number and reactive nature of these cells and their inflammatory cytokine hormones. Regardless, there have been no increases in infections or severity reported even in bone marrow transplantation CBD trials. My recommendation is for maintenance dosing of CBD in the range of 15-30mg of a capsule or tincture per day. If illness occurs increase CBD dose to control the symptoms as often as every 4 hours and reduce the dose after symptoms pass. In many viral illnesses symptoms of fatigue can endure for many weeks. This is probably a residual inflammatory process for which CBD may be preventive. Vaping CBD may be an effective way of keeping respiratory system protected. Exhaling through the nose may enhance that protection.

Shinichiro Ishimoto(@ishimotoshinichiro)がシェアした投稿 -