Confucius had a great saying that you know every man has two lives and the second starts when he realizes he has just one. 孔子によると、「人間に2つの人生があり…」「そもそも1つしかない事に気付いた時、2つ目が始まる。」と説いた Life is really a single-player game.人生はシングルプレーヤーのゲームさ It's all good not in your head.全て頭の中で起こっている You know whatever you think you believe will very much shape your reality both from what risks you take and what actions you perform.あなたの思考、信念が行動や選択を決めその結果があなたの現実を形作る But also just everyday experience of reality.それだけでなく、その現実の見え方さえも決める Reality is neutral.現実は中立的さ The world just reflects your own feelings back at you. 世の中は自分の心を投影しているだけで Reality has no judgments to a tree.There's no concept of right or wrong or good or bad. 現実は何も判決は下さない 木に善悪の概念が無いようにね You're born.You have a whole set of sensory experiences and stimulations and lights and colors and sounds and then you die yeah.あなたは生まれ、色や音などを通して感性が刺激され死ぬんだ And how you choose to interpret that is up to you.その間の刺激をどう解釈するかはあなた次第なんだ There's also these traps that people sort of establish in their own mind of giving themselves excuses or giving themselves in unsurmountable obstacles insurmountable.頭の中で自分を貶めちゃう人って結構いるよね 言い訳したり、無駄に高い壁やハードルを作ったり… Perhaps victim mentality yeah.被害者意識だよね Somebody else's fault.It's my mother's fault.It's the system's fault yeah.「あいつのせいだ、肌の色がこうだから、社会がこうだから…」ってね Those people are sinking. I feel bad for them.彼らは沈んでるよ