Whssup everybody who lives on earth in the world?
I suddenly decided to write a blog in English to see how much I have learned and how much I have developed. First of all, I am kinda sleepy right now because my sleeping schedule is fucked up, so I can't go to sleep until the sun rises. I have been staying up late listening to hip hop musics, watching movies, working on a new business and thinking about a lot of what I should be doing for the next two years because I recently dropped out of school in America then I decided to go back home and will be going to two years college in Japan in order to be able to work for the SIS limited liability company. The reason why I dropped out of the school is that a mothefuckin teacher was sort of annoying me when I requested him to do a progress report for my baseball team because he kinda suggested me to resubmit my first homework if I wanted him to do that. However, I was not gonna do that shit, so I keep telling him that just fill it out and send it back to me. He told me like you had to resubmit or he would tell my coach that I was lazy sss and doing nothing and shit. At the time I got mad and said I don't care if I get F then finally he emailed him saying please help me to Let him focus on studying first I was like what the fuck this motherfucker did the terrible thing. The day next I emailed him to quit baseball and school.