A Blooming Romance

In school, whenever you would stare at me, I would feel so shy and my heart would race, even if I wasn't staring back at you. That night, I realized that I had developed a small crush on you, and I suspected that you had feelings for me as well. I'm not one to assume, but in this case, I think it was a pretty safe bet.

It was about 12 days later, on the last day of school, that things really started to unfold. My cousin and I were hanging out, so I wasn't on my phone much that day. But when I finally checked it, I saw a text from you wanting to confess that you had a crush on me. I was honestly shocked that my suspicions had turned out to be correct! 

You asked me out the very next day, and we ended up meeting up at the mall. It was so surreal, finally recognizing our feelings for each other after all this time. We talked about our past and everything that had led us to this point .

Later that day, the two of us skipped our usual Valorant session to go outside and continue our conversation. As we discussed our history, I started to feel scared - scared to be opening myself up again after past hurts. I ended up crying silently, and you comforted me with a hug. It was the first time I had cried in front of you.

From that point on, we spent more and more time together - hanging out with my friends, playing billiards and Valorant, going to the mall and my friends' houses. It was all so new and exciting for both of us.

Then, on March 22nd, you asked me a very important question in school: "What if I court you, will you say yes?" And of course, I replied, "Why not?" We both laughed, but little did I know that later that night, you would officially begin courting me. I said yes, and thus began our blossoming romance.

I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous about being too clingy or overly sweet. They say that can make a man lose interest. So for now, I'm just going to let things unfold naturally and enjoy every moment of this new chapter in our lives.