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ラインの英訳( ´艸`)

I had a considerable heavy dream by the sleep of around one and a half hours…Is it three omnibuses? The contents that it is like some game with the figure such as the animal…I seem to do search for thing something or other, and find Nintendo by と, daily contents by chance in the house of the person…Contents made with the drama of the fraud of ってのと, Kazuya Kamenashi and Sei Tanaka......But there do not be two anymore…Order is vague....... Autograph session of idols various in a certain entertainment meeting place…For the feeling that てのと, a vampire come out, and seems to begin with a father something or other......Hey, it is five of them or (^^;) (, Possibly is a vampire thing a beginning ^^)?


一時間半程の睡眠でかなりの濃密な夢を見た…オムニバス三本かな? 動物のような姿で何かゲーム的な内容…と、日常的な内容で人の家で何やら物探ししてるようでファミコンをたまたま見つけて…ってのと、亀梨和也と田中聖の詐欺師のドラマ仕立てな内容......でももう二つあるな…順序が曖昧......。 とある催し物会場でいろんなアイドルのサイン会…てのと、吸血鬼が出てきて神父となにやら始まりそうな感じで......って、五本か(^^;)(;^^) もしかすると吸血鬼物が最初かな?
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