



Please report the actual situation of the Japanese media (From Japan)


To Whom It May Concern,

I am a Japanese.

I am respectfully requesting assistance in reporting the actual situation of how the Japanese media is dealing with the current issues pertaining to China.

I am very proud to be Japanese and I would be greatly appreciative for the assistance of any foreign journalists in spreading this information to people inside Japan as well as the rest of the world.

On October 2, 2010, a large "Anti-China"demonstration was held in Shibuya (Tokyo), Japan. This event was widely reported on by other media groups throughout world.
However, oddly enough, the Japanese media did not report any part of this demonstration or several others that were held in Okinawa, Okayama, and
Nagoya. The Japanese National Broadcasting Station, NHK, in Okinawa, reports on anti-American demonstrations concerning military bases. Despite this,
the demonstration of a few thousand people against the China’s claim on the Senkaku Islands as well as any negative show against China. In addition,
the anti-American demonstrations in Okinawa are typically not held by local residents on Okinawa, but by professional activists that are pro-communism
from the main island of Japan.

This is the current reality of what the Japanese media is reporting. Any news unfavorable towards China or Korea is prohibited.

Positive news towards the previous ruling party in Japan, The Liberal Democratic Party, and our allies the United States is no longer reported. The Japanese media consistently reports the Liberal Democratic Party and the United States alliance in negative ways only.

The Japanese mass media has been manipulated, per se, by countries that are hostile towards Japan, such as China, North Korea, and South Korea. Traditional media such as television and newspapers want to break the Japanese people, they are being manipulated by the Communists which are against the good alliance's of Japan.

Japan's current ruling party, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) was formed by this manipulation and is for a communist Japan rather than a democratic Japan.

The relocation of the US military base on Okinawa (Futenma Air Base) issue, is contrived so that
the mass media supports the "DPJ" in relocating the base off of Japan. In so doing this would benefit China and North Korea greatly and reducing the defenses of Japan if either attempts to use force against us. The "DPJ" appears to be ruled by communists. in research on the background on many of the key ministers, it is obvious.

Take for example the following government officials:

Naoto Kan (菅 直人)- Prime Minister (Previously a promoter of the anti-American movement "Zengaku Kaikaku Suishin Kaigi") He is known to have signed
a petition calling for the release of the kidnappers and accomplices involved in the abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea.
HYPERLINK" http://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&q=%E8%8F%85%E7%9B%B4..."

Yoshito Sengoku (仙谷 由人) - Chief Cabinet Secretary (Previously a member of the Social Democratic Party of Japan) He decided not show the video footage of
the recent naval incident involving a Chinese merchant ship ramming a Japanese Coast Guard ship. In addition, he authorized the release of the Chinese
Captain to relieve tension between Japan and China.
HYPERLINK" http://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&q=%E4%BB%99%E8%B0%B7..."

Tomiko Okazaki(岡崎 トミ子) - National Public Safety Commissioner (Previously a member of the Social Democratic Party of Japan) She participated in a
2003 anti-Japanese demonstration in Sorth Korea, a photo of her was taken and shown in a a North Korean Newspaper.
HYPERLINK" http://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&q=%E5%B2%A1%E5%B4%8E..."

The current situation of Japanese politics, was born from the ideals of communist-thinking leaders, and it seems we are heading towards becoming a totalitarian state.
Very similar to the "Nazis" and the "DPJ".

Now, due to the Internet, the Japanese people are becoming more and more distrustful of the Japanese who have been taken over by the current communistic leaders in the DPJ. By using the internet we are able to exchange more accurate information regarding what is currently happening in Japan and the world.

Japanese are not typically interested in politics nor are known to openly talk about politics, however, the demonstrations the other day concerning the Senkaku Islands and other issues pertaining to China, actively brought together many ordinary Japanese people, like students, office workers, elderly, and even housewives. They are certainly not a violent group of people. They are beginning to notice the current national crisis in which they are in. These people were able to get information on the Internet, not from the national television and newspapers that they thought they could trust.

Some evidence of this can best be viewed on "Yahoo! Japan", if possible (because the content is in Japanese), please read the comments from the news list.
HYPERLINK "http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/cm/list"

Today in Japan, we are narrowly protected through a helpful alliance with the United States, if not for this alliance we surely would be invaded by China.

Please try and imagine what it would be like if Japan became under control of or was taken over by China. The U.S. military bases in Japan would no longer exist. The closest military base would be in Hawaii. The science and technology in Japan would be taken over by China and diverted to military advancements, not the welfare of mankind. In short, China would become even more dangerous for the United States.

Once this danger reaches the United States it will transcend the boundaries of other alliances with the United Kingdom, Germany, France and other NATO member
states placing the world as a whole in much greater danger.

The Japan-US alliance is not intended to pursue only the interests of the U.S. and Japan, but the whole world. It is something vital to defend freedom and democracy.

In Japan, due to the media problems, only a small percentage of the people are aware of this crisis. I believe that if China invaded Japan, we must do battle with them as if it were in World War II and on the island of Iwo Jima. I believe we are to defend our freedom and democracy. I humbly request that you please report the current reality of corruption in the Japanese mass media and government.

In the future, we will continue to conduct demonstrations in an effort to ensure the future of Japan, the Japanese People, and the “Japanese Spirit”.
HYPERLINK "http://www.ch-sakura.jp/events.html"

With Unconditional Thanks!


【送付内容 日本語訳】







・総理大臣 菅直人(元反米運動家、「全学改革推進会議」を立ち上げた)→北朝鮮による日本人拉致事件の実行犯の釈放嘆願書に署名した過去がある
・官房長官 仙谷由人(社会党出身)→海上保安庁の巡視船に体当たりを行なった船長釈放を認め、ビデオ映像の公開も拒否している
・国家公安委員長 岡崎トミ子(社会党出身)→反日デモに参加した過去あり



その証拠に、日本で最もよく閲覧されるYahho! Japanのニュースへのコメント一覧を読んでください。







