yoonheechang blog ユン ヒチャンのよしなしごと
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Paint dish

上:  京都・鴨川の砂を陶芸の窯で焼いて、磨り潰して絵の具皿に水で溶いて乾いた様子です。陶粉画 Kamo River の表面と同じです。

Upper : The paint dish in a dry state, the sand from Kamogawa river in Kyoto, fired
in a ceramic kiln and ground into powder. It is the same texture as the ceramic
powder paintings titled Kamo River below.

116 x 116 cm
fired sand from Kamogawa River, ceramic powder , acrylic medium on panel

  ●   ●

下: 兵庫県・揖保川の砂を温度を変えて焼いて、白い陶粉との調合を変えた色見本です。
これから2015年の新しい IBO River を描きます。

Below : the color sample of the sand from Ibogawa River in Hyogo, fired in various
temperatures and mixed with white ceramic powder in some blend ratios.
I've started to paint the new type of Ibo River for 2015.

the flea market





I'm going to open my store in the flea market.

" the flea market by the artists" will open on just one day,13 December 2014,
related to the exhibition " UNSOLED" being held now at Gallery Koyanagi Tokyo.

The 11 artists will sell their rare articleIs or treasures except their art works on the
floor of the gallery taken the exhibits of the show away.

I never know this kind of entertainments at any gallery. I guess nobody will predict
the turn of events.

I'm pondering what to bring into.
Please come and see me if you come to be this area.


なんきんはぜ / Sapium sebiferum

group show

展覧会名「group show」@ ギャラリー小柳 in 銀座。





6/18 ~ 8/2

" group show "
June 18 – August 2, 2014
Gallery Koyanagi


Now on exhibiting my works.

The show titled " group show" at Gallery Koyanagi Tokyo.

I installed 2 large paintings finished last spring 2014 and 1 ceramic sculpture which is exhibited on a show at Gallery Koyanagi 1991. I was surprised to see my old
sculpture carried out from the gallery storage at first. Then I was surprised again
to know that I felt this 23 years as if it was about 10 years.

It is rectangle work all the same but I have tried and changed the approach to
the work in many aspects, the cray, the ways of making and firing and installing.
I enjoyed the dialogue with my old piece while I installed it with new paintings.

Other artists show both of current and beginning works as well.

Art Basel 2014

「Art Basel 2014」での展示の様子です。


今年は Basel に行けませんでしたが、来年は行きたいと思います。

The installation view at Art Basel 2014.

New work painted in 2014 with fired sand taken from The River Kamo Kyoto was
displayed by Galley Koyanagi. (Left: Thomas Ruff)

I will participate next year though I couldn't join the fair this year.

the River Tama

The newest commission work was released on April 2014.
I installed my work on the wall in the entrance hall at the residential complex
near the River Tama. I made my ceramic pieces by firing the original soil below
the ground of the building.

The project was started to get the original soil at the construction site.
I attended sedimenting work when they started the constructing on a cold and
windy day in November 2012, unearthed the very smooth clay stratum at 2-3m
below the ground.

First, I prepared 18 types of clays, including some samples mixed with other
materials in the dug clay, and fired in 10 patterns of temperatures. I got 180
test pieces and choose 20 to make rectangle ceramic blocks for the wall in the
entrance hall. (These could look like tablets ancient wrote cuneiform characters)

This building is located in the small ex-post town " Nakahara" (means the
middle of the river field) on the old highway near The River Tama. The rainwater
levigated and gathered the volcanic ash from Mt.Fuji from all over the west part
of tokyo and the River Tama carried the small grains of ash and accumulated
this clay stratum by the floodwaters proximately 2 million years ago. I think this
process is similar to the development of " Nakahara" as a post town from small


Every town starts out as a small settlement. As people, goods, and information
arrive from other places and accumulate in a complex manner, over a period of
many years, the town develops its own unique character. Like the sand in a river,
things comes from every area of the river basin, are carried beyond various
borders by the current, and accumulate along the river to become part of the

extracted ( http://ameblo.jp/yoonheechang/entry-11705298321.html)


I believe each piece, fired rectangle clay, archives a memory of the River Tama
and a memory of Nakahara town in the manner of not red but visible,like a




雨水が関東の西部に堆積した富士山の火山灰を水簸して集め、多摩川がそれを運び、川から溢れた水が細かな粒子を少しずつ積み重ねて粘土の地層ができたのは推定200万年前ごろのことのようです。このプロセスは、中原が 小さな集落から宿場町をへて今日の姿に発展したことと似ているように、私には思えました。







Hongkong 2014

On Twitter Art Basel in Hongkong 2014

a touch of powder

「a touch of powder 一抹」と題した岐阜のギャラリーキャプションでの個展では、


I exhibited my paintings with natural light in the daytime at my solo show titled

" a touch of powder " at Gallery CAPTION in Gifu, 2 November - 7 December 2013.

高橋綾子さん(名古屋芸術大学 准教授)が、展評で取り上げてくださいました。

The show was favorably reviewed by Ayako Takahashi, Associate Professor、

Nagoya University of Art , on ASAHI SHINBUN.


Nearly finishing to prepare many sizes of the painting panels.

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