

Welcome to Untitle Kingdom of Madness

Well, I still alive. Maybe it sound a bit sad for someone, but I sure, nobody doesn't care it.

Actually, I forgot how to post something and what I should do.
As you can see, I also lose my skills in English. Lol.
However, I have enough time for study because of my work.
Also I'm too lazy. I know, it's very bad, but....
Well, I came back to parent's home.
And it's so strange. It may seems like I back to start or to my roots, but no.
Here start my new life. It's like I died and risen like a phoenix. lol
I it's a strange comparison. But seriously.
Actually, I wanted to write a lot, but all my thoughts run away from me (_ _。)
But I hope, I'll soon end to read a wonderful book of Neal Gaiman "American Gods". I read it so long, that I feel some shame. Lol.
But recently I have a strange wish - to read many books.
Of course, it's very good, but time! I never have it and it's awful (x_x;)
I should spend more time with books and less surfing in internet, really.
But I know, my girlfriend will against it.
what I should do?

mindless photo, which fuul of despair.

or when I feel myself a SWAG GIRL

that's all
see you

may be.

I forgot.
Yesterday I bought a ticket to KUBANA FEST.
It's very impirtant, yes.
But only on a one day with the Gazette.

That`s all!

See you.
May be.