



Spero che tutto vada bene.

Finally Patto tripartito is done. 

Wish Silver 203 and White PP1 instead・・・




Result was not good as first one. 

Wait to filled gas up満


There was a CHiPs駐車場 in the pit area. Bad sign or not!?

The village mayor of Tsumagoi is ready 2 wave falg 4 startDASH!

It happensショック!

After tire burst, rear shock absobers were burnt againしょぼん

8th after allフラッグ

Good sign 4 next!? 虹


Finally got RS-R strutチョキ

Utirize Avenir rear shock absobers(left one).

Those lift bodyニコニコ


Body was not strong enough叫び

Never give upグー

Thanks 4 Master AOT and Young star FKD, AOKニコニコ  and 浅間火山耐久レース organizerフラッグ

It was a really hot dayあせる

Even the foot of Mt.Asama富士山

Replaced totally stuck one and totally worn out shock absorbersニコニコ

Add under guardビックリマーク

Hope everything works at Asama Endurance series #3, this weekendグッド!

Encountered Auris dedicated 4 Char Aznable目

It's getting really hotあせる

Time to charge air conditioner gas空

It was empty注意

Leak detector is filled with the gas togather this time満

No leak is found right after refill OK

Hope it's last long for a whileグッド!

Thanks 4 NSD電装 every timeニコニコ

Asama volcanic endurance series #2 on June 21th, 2015.

Sponsored by " improve ".

Vehicle run in front of us rolled over and hit us叫び

Patched and returned馬

Started to have same shock absorber trouble and needed to slow down a little bitショック!]

May be weak point of Mira L700しょぼん

Finished 7thフラッグ It's getting better音譜

Thanks 4 Master AOT and Young star FKDニコニコ  also 浅間火山耐久レース organizerフラッグ