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On Thursday's allnew episode of 'Jersey Shore,' Sam and Ron took their relationship to a whole new level. The troubled couple, who have been known to have atumultuousrelationship,continued to dominate the reality show. As the episode began Sam and Ron were already arguing from the last episode. They wasted no time going at each other. This time however things seemed different.
As for the rest of the 'Jersey Shore' crew, they were rarely seen throughout the episode and when they did make an appearance, it was primarily to break up one of Sam and Ron's arguments.
The two continued fighting and it escalated beyond any normal confrontation. Before everyone knew it, harsh words were said, accusations made, and Sam's things were flying all over the place. In what began as a typical argument, ended with Sam and Ron being held back by their fellow cast members. The whole situation was extremely intense and was likely the biggest blowout since 'Jersey Shore' began.
After things finally settled, Sam elected to head out with the girls. Convinced that Ron would bring home another girl, Sam decided that retaliation would be the best way to handle what was left of their relationship. She wasted no time in the club and quickly found someone to dance with. Her plan worked and Ron was extremely jealous but when he didn't have another girl by his side, it was clear that things would get much worse.
Outraged by Sam's behavior, Ron went home and attempted to destroy everything of Sam's. In no time, Sam's bed was on the patio, her clothes thrown everywhere and even her glasses crushed. When Sam arrived home with the girls and discovered her room up in arms, she confronted Ron only to have him tell her how disgusted he was at her behavior which of course was ironic given Ron's behavior in Miami.
Finally Sam, who wasdevastatedby her current circumstances, came to her senses and realized that leaving was the only real way to end their rocky relationship.