ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記 philip gayle's pocket diary -3ページ目


9月の末はツアーに出かけました。10回くらいのライブで、とても楽しかったけれど、終わった頃は疲れていた。まあ、ツアーはそんなもんかな。Kath Bloom という歌手とも演奏したし、メインな演奏は Ember Schrag という歌手/作曲家のマンドリンとリード・ギターを勤めました。友達にも会えたし、新しい友達も作れて、毎日は愉しいライブができました。写真は下のブログにもアップしているけれど、他のサイトにも順番に出しているので良かったらミクシー/フェイスブックなどでご覧になって下さい。最近は作詩/詩作/翻訳の仕事などでまあまあ忙しいけれど、クイーンズで静かに暮らしています。そろそろビッグな事が起こる気がします。でわ、皆さんは良い秋を過ごして下さい!ライブ情報などはアップしますのでまた来て下さいね!
下記の写真は:あのロマンス映画「Before Sunrise」が復帰させた Kath Bloom と彼女バンドと、Ember Schrag と一緒に演奏しています。マンドリンとギターを”普通”に弾いたのは仕事では久しぶりでした。

ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Bostonポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-BurlingtonVTポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-NewHavenCT

Fall Tour Photos, etc....

I had a good tour in late September, and met some really nice people. I played with Ember Schrag as her mandolin and guitar player. Met Kath Bloom and her band and played with them in Boston, New Haven, and Hudson, NY. All in all it was a fun tour. I also played with Bryan Day in a duo we have called "Braynphlip". Dan Knudsen joined our bill at the Mayo Street Arts "Clinic" in Portland, Maine. He is amazing and i highly recommend his recordings, and if you get a chance, go see him live. In Boston, we shared the bill with Glenn Jones as well, and he is really cool and an amazing guitarist/banjo player. On the tour we had some really fun times; Burlington, VT. was great, but the best shows we played were Hudson, Boston, and NYC. recently i've been writing some poetry and some lyrics too. I was hoping to make it to Japan in December for a quick visit, but times are tough, and i probably won't make it this year. Below are some photos from the tour, New Haven with Kath Bloom et al, Portland, ME, and Brooklyn, NY. The last photo has Ernie from Sesame Street joining me and Bryan Day for a really fun set at Goodbye Blue Monday in Brooklyn. I Hope everyone is having a good Autumn and will be posting gig info regularly, so don't be a stranger!

ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Portlandポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Brooklynポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-NewHaven

philip gayle & Ember Schrag Sep/Oct NE US Tour

I will be touring the Northeast in late September and early October with singer/songwriter Ember Schrag. I'll be playing guitar and mandolin with her and doing some of my weirdness in between, or where the cracks open wide enough, but i'll be me, of course, anyway, both ways...
Not all October shows are set yet, but look for a Portland, ME gig in late October, a couple of Texas shows in November, and 2-3 NYC gigs in between. Thanks for spreading the word... new album coming out in a few months, and a Japan Tour ensuing in December. Cheers!

Sept. 22 - New Haven, CT - Cafe Nine 250 State St, New Haven, CT 06510-3117 http://cafenine.com/ Ember Schrag, Kath Bloom

Sept. 23 - Hudson, NY - The Spotty Dog 440 Warren St, Hudson, NY 12534-2415 http://www.thespottydog.com/blog/ Ember Schrag, Kath Bloom, Bunnybrains

Sept. 24 - Burlington, VT - Radio Bean 8 N Winooski Ave, Burlington, VT 05401 http://www.radiobean.com/ Ember Schrag

Sept. 25 - Portland, ME - Mayo Street Arts 10 Mayo Street, Portland, ME 04101 http://mayostreetarts.org/ Ember Schrag, Arborea, Junko Simons Ensemble

Sept. 26 - Jamaica Plain, MA - Whitehaus 10 Seaverns Ave, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 http://whitehausfamilyrecord.com/blastzone/ Ember Schrag, Kath Bloom, Glenn Jones, Jaggery

Sept. 27 - Brooklyn, NY - Goodbye Blue Monday 1087 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11221 http://www.goodbye-blue-monday.com/ Ember Schrag, Mal Madrigal, Boom Chick, Guitars

Sept. 28 - New York City, NY - Googie's Lounge above the Living Room 154 Ludlow St, New York City, NY 10002-2211 http://www.livingroomny.com/ Ember Schrag, P.G. Six, Mal Madrigal, Frank Hoier

Sept. 29 - Philadelphia, PA - Castle Gay 538 Federal St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Ember Schrag, The Snow Caps, Charlotte Littlehales, Kate Ferencz, Buffalo Stance

Sept. 30 - Baltimore, MD - "2640" 2640 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21217 w/Ember Schrag, Rosemary Krust, Other Colors, & Holy Ghost Party

Oct. 1 - Washington, DC - Pyramid Atlantic 8230 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910-4511 http://www.pyramidatlanticartcenter.org/ Ember Schrag, Rosemary Krust, Eloine + Gary Rouzer

Congratulations go out to Sue Bird on winning the WNBA Championship with her team the Seattle Storm! Cheers...

nouveau poème. 「Abandon」


lying skyward
eyes slightly closed and open
the waves of weaving grass
rustle in their jury seats
this open air court
of law
of nature
of paranoia
envelops stirring syllables
crying wordless
tears of dancing echoes
spring outward
a burial at sky
azure into obsidian

charged i lay
sentenced to a broken death for
"innocence of a guilty conscience"

Love's wheels spinning wireless
we are not born alone

my eyelashes singed by flames
of stung naïve stumbling

i have crumbled before the burning souls of shells
of drenched sacrificial lightness
of blinded oceans

i can hear her wings resonate
humming in aleatory silence
emulating the muffled harmony of freedom dreamed

if i die alone
it will be she
who is not here to abandon me

Astoria, Queens, NYC May 29, 2010
ⓒphilip gayle 2010

Solo Guitar Show, NYC, September 11th! Free!

I will be playing a rare solo guitar set on Saturday, September 11th at Parkside Lounge in the Lower East Side of NYC. I'll be playing 12-String Guitar and 1-String Sea Squirt Guitar.
I play experimental improvised music.

The show is FREE! But, tips are delightful and groovy. Thanks.

Date: September 11th, 2010
Place: Parkside Lounge
Address: 317 East Houston St. NY, NY 10002 (between Aves. B & C)
Time: 10:30 PM~maybe 1 hour show...21 and up...sorry kiddos!

i will be going on tour with Ember Schrag from September 21st until October 2nd, Northeast Tour, more info coming soon!

ICP on a windy day in Manhattan

I went to the International Center of Photography (ICP) in Midtown Manhattan yesterday to view the exhibit "Twilight Visions: Surrealism, Photography, and Paris". ICP is right near Bryant Park, but the wind was so strong that i darted right for ICP without going through the park. I don't even want to think of what kind of stuff is flying around everywhere.
Anyway, the exhibit was nice. I have always been a big fan of the Surrealists, but ICP did a so-so job of presentation and there were NO pamphlets or fliers, or very many translations of text/film. The lighting wasn't set up well either.
Having said that, I am glad i went. At $12 it was still worth it. I enjoyed my time there and learned a lot, especially about the photographers Alan B. Stone and Miroslav Tichy. There is some info on their website. The exhibit ended today, but if you're still interested here is the link:


I have been working on translation and proofreading projects as well as editing some poems i have written in Japanese. The guitar has been lonely it seems, so i need to run the fingers across the frets and get back into shape.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Cheers.

NYC の WFMU というラジオ局で清志郎さんの6曲もかけた!

"Listen To This Show" をクリックすれば聴けます。曲順:「春がきたから」「メッセージ」「ぼくはぼくの為に」「レコーディング・マン(のんびりしたり結論急いだり)」「よごれた顔でこんにちは」「貴女のお嬢さんに」でした。Kurt Gottschalk さんに大感謝です。聞いてくれた皆さんもありがとう!来年もまた清志郎さんの曲をかけさせて頂きます!



My Father called me today to tell me that early this morning my cousin Marian passed away. She had been struggling, so it is a relief, but her humor and loving spirit will be missed by all who knew her. She was so sweet and caring. Rest in Peace.



Emily Dickinson, 萩原朔太郎、小泉八雲

Next week when i find time, i will visit the New York Botanical Garden to check out "Emily Dickinson's Garden, Poetry of Flowers". I have always been interested in learning more about Dickinson. Here are the links to the exhibit:

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Smile and relax. Eat well, sleep well, share with others!

Helmut Lachenmann's 75th Birthday Concert!!!

I went to Maine for a couple of days to hang out with my good friend Hiroya who teaches music at Bates College. While he was in meetings I met with some faculty and students and did some writing and listening to music. I had a good relaxing time and had some good food too. The drive back was pleasant and we went to Helmut Lachenmann's 75th Birthday concert at Columbia University. The concert was so amazing. We had front row seats. "Pression", a solo cello piece was performed spectacularly by Lauren Radnofsky, followed by solo piano pieces performed by Lachenmann himself. The pieces were played very well and were full of texture and color, tone clusters and arpeggios that stretched through the concert hall in subtle and dwindling sustain. Lachenmann's music can be very quiet, still, and full of nuance. The first half ended with a mind-blowing performance of "String Quartet No. 2" performed by the Jack Quartet. Jack had performed the complete Xenakis String Quartets about a month ago and Hiroya and I went but it was sold out. This night was my first listen to them and they were spot on. I was so floored by their performance that when the applause began i stood up and since i was in the first row didn't notice until turning around to glance behind me, that i was the ONLY one standing in the auditorium. Oops... i felt really embarrassed and slowly sunk back into my seat. I guess the audience was mostly composers and classical musicians who "don't stand up". Oh well, who cares. It made me want to stand up and clap, so i did.
After a one on one discussion with Lachenmann on stage there was an amazing performance of "...zwei Gefuhle..." a piece for large ensemble and speaker (Lachenmann himself). The night was truly fantastic! I had fun meeting the composer afterwards and one moment i will never forget was when Lachenmann pulled out his digital camera and took a photo of us (Arthur Kampela, Marcelo Toledo, Mark Leyse, and me). He had this chuckle and then said goodnight. He must have been tired from all the activities of the day.
All in all it has been a great week. Work is picking up. I got to see the great Lachenmann. I had fun in Maine with Hiroya and after the gig at Columbia had a nice pint of Guinness with Arthur, Marcelo, Hiroya, Mark, and was so exhausted that i just took a cab home, over the RFK Bridge and back into Astoria.....
I hope everyone is having a good Spring. Eat well, sleep well, smile, be healthy and think positively. Peace!