






愛犬チロの仇討事件 英訳を世界に広めます。

To His Excellency the Minister of the Environment 
To His Excellency the Minister of Health and Welfare
The accused Takeshi Koizumi sacrificed his own life to avenge his dog Chiro who was killed 40 years ago in a so-called Health Protection Center. Please make the administration’s lack of an appropriate policy regarding animals a thing of the past and satisfy the following demands, so as Chiro’s death and that of a huge number of cats and dogs would not be pointless and forgotten.
1. Stop immediately the cull of cats and dogs and instead devise a system to send all those meant to be put down to official shelters or give them for adoption.
2. Make the easy and superficial trade of pets, as well as the functioning of pet shops illegal and devise a system that will allow those who wish to have a pet to adopt it from a shelter or an animal protection organization.
3. Devise a 5-year plan to support the education of the people to keep their pets for life, not to throw them away and not let them multiply.
4. Stop discarding pets towards private groups and educate these groups to support the administration.
5. As a responsibility of the administration, deal with and prevent the overpopulation of animals by neutering every year 50 000 stray cats.
6. Make it impossible for irresponsible owners, who are the very reason for the cull of so many animals, to own pets, by making it necessary to have an ownership license, except in cases when pets are rescued. If it is easy to own pets, it is also easy to throw them away and have them killed.
Cats and dogs are now considered part of one’s family and their life is as important as that of human beings. Nevertheless, in Japan about 200 000 cats and dogs are killed every year through suffocation in the gas chambers of Health Protection Centers and Direction Centers. Those who are thrown away, lost, cannot be kept any longer are taken by the administration and killed.
40 years ago, the beloved dog of a twelve-year old boy was killed in a Health Protection Center. When the family went to look for him, the dog had been killed. The boy became an adult and, to avenge his beloved Chiro, he murdered a former administrative vice minister of the Health and Welfare Ministry together with his wife. This ministry was responsible for the policy of eradicating rabies according to which so many innocent and healthy animals were killed. Takeshi Koizumi was sentenced to death for murder, attempted murder, planning murder and carrying weapons illegally and has now made an appeal to the Supreme Court. The main reason of the murder perpetrated by Takeshi Koizumi is our country’s ruthless and wild system of culling cats and dogs devised by the administration. After 40 years, since the convict’s beloved Chiro was put down in a Health Protection Center in Iwakuni, even today this reason is still valid and the cull of a large number of cats and dogs is still going on in Health Protection Centers or Direction Centers. Japan’s ruthless system of putting down cats and dogs is the very reason of this incident, and a trial that doesn’t take this into account cannot be fair. The state should understand Koizumi’s sadness and fury that his beloved Chiro was taken by the dog catchers and killed in a Health Protection Center in his tender years, and should conduct a fair trial, so that a second or third Takeshi Koizumi won’t show up.
If they want my life, they can have it! And let this country stop its cruel crimes henceforth. Stop your atrocious state crimes! Stop torturing and killing innocent cats and dogs in the most absurd and gruesome manner!!! Stop annihilating so many lives following the dictates of your human self-centeredness!
Can one call a country that butchers our beloved animals a peaceful country? Should this merciless country call itself a prosperous, happy country? Is it right to pursue this absurd killing spree in the wake of a wealthy, cozy life?
Finally, I keep asking: why is life sacred? Why is only human life deemed sacred? Why can humans always be forgiven, after senselessly taking away the sacred life of guiltless and helpless beings?
From the Grounds of Appeal
                    Takeshi Koizumi December 26th 2011

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The Emperor of Japan: Justice forTakeshi Koizumi, a man who killed to avenge his dog

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Why this is important to me

Takeshi Koizumi suffered a tremendous emotional shock at the age of 12 when his dog was snatched by the dog catchers from his younger sister and culled almost immediately. On that day he vowed to avenge his beloved Chiro later in adulthood by killing those responsible for such cruel policies. 34 years went by since the accursed day when Chiro was put to death. In 2008 Koizumi places a talisman around his neck containing Chiro’s photograph and a few tufts of his hair, and goes to stab to death one of the former administrative vice ministers of the Japanese Health Ministry and his wife. This ministry and its administrative vice minister are responsible for determining the policy of the pounds ( the so-called Animal Love and Protection Centers) where, over a three-day period, cats and dogs are disposed of, suffering an agonizing death in gas chambers - the ‘dream boxes’ - , with no effort to look for adoptive families. Furthermore, in the past, before gas chambers became common in Japan, dogs were beaten to death, a fate that, in all likelihood, Chiro suffered.
Koizumi didn’t commit murder only for his Chiro; he rebelled against the whole system of putting animals down ruthlessly – he did it to avenge millions of animals killed over the years.
The boy who vowed to avenge his dog and the man who rebelled for the sake of the animals is now on Death Row, waiting to be hanged.
Please sign this petition in order to gather enough signatures to ask the Emperor of Japan, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice to grant a pardon to this man who already suffered so much, and the Japanese Supreme Court to consider this case with fairness and impartiality.
If you want to know Koizumi’s whole story, look for the e-book IN THE NAME OF THE DOG – The True Story of Takeshi Koizumi and His Quest for Animal Rights on Amazon Kindle (KDP Select).