i'm so nervous..


tomorrow my graduatin ceremony..

i'm so spritiful!! but i'm afraid of the anouncement of university enterance test.. o_____O

God.. i hope i can pass it.. xDD

i'm going to leave peta for shou and nao!! *yay*


I've just leave a peta for shou


it's been a while since i didn't leave peta for him again..

i hope he notice it.. lol!! XDDD

somehow,, his blog always makes me smile.. ニコニコ
I don't know why, but this week, my mood is not good at all..

everybody pissed me of..

yeah.. at first that copy caters fake whore that make me feel so mad.. then, i got some news from my friends that someone posted my photos on "jakarta shit looks" blog and wrote something bad about me and the other victims. i know it was just a jokes.. but somehow, it makes me irritated and become so mad..

so yeah right now, i want to protect all my account.. go private!! hahaha.. lol
but not with this account, cause i know they will not understand with this whole of japanese characters.. hahaha.. lame you..

so everyone, who read this blog.. sorry if i lack with my words.. i'm so pissed of now..

and if someone feel that i wrote about you in this blog.. hahaha.. SHAME ON YOU..

