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Make up LO.VE

Today was an...interesting day (・ε・) 
Not bad, yet not that good either. . .KufufufuΣ\( ̄ー ̄;) 


BUT my make up has finally arrived!!! Yaaaaay  ドキドキドキドキドキドキ

And the best part is that okasan paid for them o(TωT ) 
She’s the BEST!   o(TωT )


And i’m actually planning on buying MOAR (^_^;)
(make up holic 汗) 

I also did a little test of them, though in the picture it doens’t look as good as in 

reality (_ _。)


(excuse the ugly ugly face >>><<<<) 

ごめんあさい音願いします!!! でも。。。 my face has a very bad skin


Hmm, I think now I will go and watch Boys Love 2 , hehe , Yaoi fan girl (〃∇〃)


lubrifiant ?!

I really should go to sleep。。。
ああああああ~~~~Hhhhhh (/ω\)

I'm not geting enough sleep , definitely (*´σー`)

But I've finally finished the outline of a really nice drawing !!



Oh, and today, one of my friends (Kami chan) was reaaaally perverted by my evil 。。。
antibacterial!! hahahah (≧▽≦)
I didn't stop telling her that the gel actually looks like a lubrifiant


That’s my leg (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ 


Hmmm, it does look like a lubrifiant...hmmm..
Kinky indeed (///∇//)

Now I go to sleep~

Bye byeee キスマークキスマークキスマークキスマーク

Shining Stars~


As you have probably seen, I returned to Ameba (=⌒▽⌒=)
Yay! ラブラブ

Hmm, also, I will write more and more in japanese (*^ー^)ノ He he~

Felikshu chaaaan o(^▽^)o

Hehe, anyway, hope you have a wonderful time ne リボン


Short Update * 0 *

Hello hello!~ v(^-^)v

I thought about something..
I didn't post here in such a long time...ハートブレイク

But I barely have time to write on my main blog..
LiveJournal [http://momo-iro-tayu.livejournal.com]

School is killing me! (ノ_-。)

Maaan! I just want a break! 汗

My life is so busy and so exhausting! 桜


But oh well..I have to carry on はーと

Tomorow I have to go to my uncle's wedding and I hate wedding!
Grrrrr~ 青線

But I just love my black shoes and my pink dress ラブラブ
Maybe it's the single joy I have! (`・ω・´)ゞ

Why mee??

First of all, the reason i didn't post here in such a looong time is:

Ameblo didn't work for me! I couldn't sign in and that means i couldn't post!メラメラ

Arghhhh~ !!! \(*`∧´)/
I'm so pissed of! ;_;

But now it works and i'll keep writing here , heh ドキドキ

well i have something new !
ok, some new stuff! 眠い

Here there are!


hehe , kawaii ne??? (‐^▽^‐)

um, that's it for now...
i have homeworks to do (/TДT)/ メモ本

Bye Bye! 眠い
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