Eeeeek キャハハキラキラ

Tonight.... I met Jedward えっ
Aaaah I really wasn't expecting meeting them, I'm sooo happy! ラブ
They've been filming part of their new TV show in my city but was still too far away to get to, so instead I went to the airport and they were there! アップアップ

Aaaah I'm still shaking!
I've met them before but it was nothing like this! There was only like 3 other people there so I got to speak to them more and both of them together! にこ

I showed them my Jedward tattoo, I wasn't going to but my cousin told Edward about it, so I had to にひひ When I showed Edward he got really excited about it, he started shouting over to John, "JOHN JOHN COME LOOK AT THIS, SHE HAS A JEDWARD TATTOO!!!" XD Then they stood for about a minute just staring at it saying "WOAAAAH THAT'S CRAZZZZY!!" then they starting telling the other fans to look LOL にひひ

Then when they had to go they forgot my name so they shouted BYE JEDWARD TATTOO GIRL XDD

My cousin was also really happy to see them! He wasn't keen on them before we went, but now he really likes them グッド! ラブラブ

Awww and they give the best hugs ever! ラブラブにひひ It felt like they weren't going to let go :')

Here's a photo :)

Ignore my face XD
I guess you just feel like you should pull a weird face when they take a photo because they are, Edward looks really angry though にひひチョキ

Can't wait to see them in concert next month now, they said they'll look out for me キャハハ

I'm sooooo happy now I can't sleep キラキラチョキ