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I spent this week densely!

Theme: Tora Daily


It is the beginning of the rainy season at last.

I feel damp.

Recently, I have had a very dense time.

The last week in Van,

This one week in Japan………

I’ll be given undoubtedly a big leap chance

in the near future.

The step, one by one, has an important meaning.

Necessarily, it brings a trial ground

for one’s ability of the future.

Leading members in Japan seem

to come up against a stone wall.

But, it’s a good chance to grow up

in using their brain or heart under the situation

of compulsory an out put on the spot.

If I am on the side of them and help,

they lose its big chance.

So, it’s an opportunity not to be missed.

It’s the greatest chance to change your world

and make rapid progress, if you want to accept

all challenges with your hot enthusiasm.

To tell the truth,

almost of all can anticipate contents to a certain extent,

because I have had same experiences

as if a principle or a fundamental rule.

Seriously, when you make an earnest effort
and when you want to absorb many things
under the situation of various walls,
Now is the time to act.

When you are unable to decide

which way you want go, it depends on you.

To make or not to make a difference in your life

is how to make your way after you meet with

the ordeal like such a theory.

If the type of industry is different,

the foundation is the same!

In order to perform your mission,
you have to be stay-hungry and stay-foolish.
And you have to increase

the business-skill, completely!

It’ll be not only for yourself, but for another.

It is not to make sacrifices for another.

Just I say it’s the right

thinking to make you plentiful.

Then you’ll be a man

who makes yourself plentiful

and the neighborhood happy.

This is the principle of happiness!

You must have a proper understanding

“What we should be done?”

And bring words to everybody with

passionate mind and Ningenmi.

I expect the wonderful progress of all.


Suggestion to have memories about the good old days.

Theme : Tora Daily


I made a day trip to Fukuoka, today.

It was bad weather, so two flights cancellation

for Miyazaki.

But I could change the ordinary ticket to

the mileage-status-black.

So I could get back safely.

I could catch the reason

why it don’t break through as I imaged

I observed the restaurant at Parco in Fukuoka for a while,
in the relation of course and effect of a numerical value.

Only make progress from now on!

I had a good time with Mr. Okuda and Mr. Shin.

It’s easy to understand the

basic analogue in restaurant business!

Analyze a present situation,
Form a plan of improvement,
And carry out the plan immediately!!

I flatter myself that Tora-Sushi is the brand
with the endless progress being particular
about the best and attachment to taste, planning,
making a good atmosphere and so on.

It is the result that we take in a

customer’s satisfaction

with greedily without conceit.

So, we can keep the growth up to this point.
So, it’s very important for the team or a personal
to work with enjoyment together

bring a tenacity of purpose.

We have to try to improve a

motivation of a team or a personal!

Make the exit of achievement clear,
Put together the election constructively,
Then, it’ll be reached 80% to the work.

So, we need the power of construction
with their passion and

knowledge of experiences

no matter what is going to be happened.

Well, I was given a chance

to check a psychological test.

Think about my question!
(1) First of all, please call your parents or brothers.
Is the memory of a flash-across in your mind
a good one, or not? or odious?

(2) Next, please think about the people
who are the closest to you recently.
Is it a good memory, or not, or odious?

You can understand what I say.

A person who thinks a matter positively
always can take a passion affirmatively,
because he has many good memories
in his mind overwhelmingly.

A person who thinks a matter negatively

doesn’t have any thankful matter filled

with animosity against

many disagreeable things.

So, he is pulled up a small matter
into a big problem in his mind.

In a memory of my childhood,

my father hit me many times.

I can not understand why he did.
But I never hate him.
If anything, I love my father very much.

I think I did many bad things as a

child full of mischief.

But I have thought through my childhood
that I never make myself a

nuisance to everybody,

especially to my father.

Then, I devoted myself to baseball,
had many friends, and had my world
with my thinking to the future.

Therefore, when I was on my own,
and had my family, I did ‘t have any memory
of my father’s unreasonable acts to me!

On the contrary, I remember vividly
that my father gave me a birthday present only once,
or during my stay for baseball in Nagoya,
he came to see me deliberately,
and inspire me to further efforts!

Input memory in my mind is only the

memory of thanks and loves to everybody.

So, I can live in the affirmative of my life.

I might get into the habit of

removing the bad memory naturally.

In case of Mr. B, he has many negative thinking
like a choice-unhappy life.
He always says bad things on anybody,
his negative view of life,
and a denial present state.
He always blames everything on everybody.

In his memory, he has no thanks or loves to anybody.
He always says a trifle jealousy of his experience
in a long time ago, and keeps saying the words
from an inferiority complex.

He intends to be relieved……………

He gives himself pain rapidly.

We can change our own life

with the way of thinking

and having consciousness!

Please, look back over the past,
Which is your type, the former, or the letter?

Of course, the former has many primary factors
of luck and happiness.

If you want to change………
Don’t think or say a word

“ Not permission!”

The passion with no permission

will return to oneself

by getting twice as many as

giving a pain to somebody.

I can change even my negative

memory into positive one

by answering “yes” to myself in the affirmative.

It’s important to stare at oneself,
love oneself and other people,
and switch from negative matter to positive.

The most positive word is “ Thank you! “
The brave word for the changing
from negative mind to positive is I am sorry! “

it’s more better to say such words
from the bottom of one’s heart honestly.

Realize the ideal of “ Permission “

It’s very important not to leave

a negative passion

undone in one’s heart.

I said big self-importantly,

I’m in the state of receiving my training yet.

2010.6.10 Page2

Cost performance is more over than usual.

(100 yen in sushi-bar)

A using dressed fresh fish, no using robot


pressed by hand with all your heart………

and, this price……………?

I have cold drops come out on my skin.

But, it’s marvelous to carry out!!
Seigo Nakamura's official blog
They have coped with the subjects in each restaurant.

When I am in Japan, I don’t get tense like a

vivid-personality in Miku.


Naturally, I can understand the difference

between the energy of growing Miku

and the restaurant under a decline market

or a deflationary economic in Japan.

Moreover, the difference of habit and culture.

Distrain such a preconceived idea………
still more, I think what is the reason why?

It’s ……………

I think it is the problem of positive attitude.

When I return home to Japan,

I heard the same words many times.

“You may go far away off!!”

It may be a Japanese modesty or a bad lot.

Saying, I’m not possible.
And only giving them a motivation from my one side.

But, in Miku, they establish their independence

with responsibility and rights (dream)

in their self-growing up.

They appeal their growth to me vigorously,

when I say a word, they back many words.
They get into swing more.

It is lust like saying………

“ Demand more high level, boss!

We’ll follow you to the end of the world!”

I agree with the difference of a

racial-culture or a custom usage!

The world is going to change to be one

with tremendous variations from now on!

It’s very important to have a global-sense.

We cannot get anything without positive attitude!

We Japanese have met the last-chance-timing

in order to grow up

to the world international society already.

Don’t be disappointed in your posi5tive work.
If you are in the state, it’s your weakness!

We cannot alive with cowardly custard.

Be strong,
Namely, challenge with courage without fear,
Don’t put the blame on anybody,
Take the responsibility by arguing the rights.

The society receives these actions,

and must applaud them!

Then, it is going to be for oneself,

for the world, and for the future!

Next week, they’ll have a class for study!
Their study hours will be more available lessons,
if they want to ask for some, not to be given!

It’s very important how to motivate yourself.

After all, it comes to NINGENMI.

It is to get along well with people in heart to heart!

So, whenever I may go,

Whatever I may do,

Wherever I may be,

Not “ You may go far away off~~~”

But We all join in our business!!”

I hope so………

Seigo Nakamura's official blog
Improve one’s global ability,

Challenge to new age,

Then, we can make a wonderful road in

Japan to the future.

It’s worthwhile too much!!

I firmly believe we can build

a new age with me certainly!

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