元 midi 事務長日記 -974ページ目

Beer after the ~

元 midi 事務長日記-Beer time !
ビール Beer time after the hard days of work メモ はてなマーク well ~ not really but from 10:00am till 18:00pm studied 時計 and on my way home stopped here ( near home )
元 midi 事務長日記-Dankazura 2

元 midi 事務長日記-Dankazura
くもり Cloudy day it was all day today and in the morning here at Dankazura street, was raining a little あし on my way to the Kamakura JR station ...
元 midi 事務長日記-渋谷駅
... at 09:00am here I was in Shibuya train station to get on to Inokashira-line head to Eifukucho station チョキ for what !?
元 midi 事務長日記-ALC
... for this 音譜
~ here at " ALC " to attend the two days seminar and today was the first day. メモ
元 midi 事務長日記-Lunch
ナイフとフォーク and here's my lunch for today 食パン sandwich and coffee ( ~ not wine ワイン ) which I bought near the ALC 目 " Ishigama-Fujimi Bakery " is the name チョキ
元 midi 事務長日記-bakery
And this is how the seminar hall looked ~ couldn't take more picks cause I was busy studying ... tomorrow will start at the same time here ~ good luck to me and good night 星空
元 midi 事務長日記-class ...

Lunch time ...

元 midi 事務長日記-Songs for ~
Yeah (^-^)/ lunch time ~ hungry I am after few hours of work ( study メモ ) catch you later 音譜

学校 From " ALC "

Good Morning ~ ALC

元 midi 事務長日記-What ever ...
メモ me today@Seminar in Tokyo to attend.
あし on my way to " ALC " now so see you tonight パー
Class will start at 10:00am till 18:00pm 叫び Oh no ~ will I able to be up listening to the lecture 耳 will try my best .... s目 yeah あせる

七輪本舗 Hichirin-honpo Night ~ Yeah !!

元 midi 事務長日記
メラメラ七輪本舗 Hichirin-honpo左矢印Check it out グッド!
元 midi 事務長日記
キラキラ So again tonight had this Japanese style BBQ dinner@home ... first had to start the メラメラ fire with this white charcoal called " Binchōtan " チョキ
元 midi 事務長日記
~ and once the メラメラ fire is going, ready to grilled on top of this Japanese Charcoal Stove called " Shichirin メラメラ "
元 midi 事務長日記

元 midi 事務長日記-Shichirin-honpo
星空 so its getting dark but with this lightひらめき電球 up trees in our garden and this charcoals light sure makes me happy 音譜 to have a wonderful night .... thanks for 七輪本舗 Hichirin-honpo good night it was.
元 midi 事務長日記

In the afternoon ~

元 midi 事務長日記-Tea time
" Tea anyone はてなマーク " good time to spent 砂時計

Cute♡Girl ~ Hanako is♡

Having a good time under the 晴れ on her own cushion ラブラブ on sunny warm one-day にゃー Meow ~

Yum unsen Lunch

元 midi 事務長日記-Yum unsen
Vietnam food 割り箸" Yum unsen " a Hot メラメラ spice dish with lots of vegetables, shrimp, pork and don't forget ผักชี, pakchi ( must ビックリマーク ) on top of " Cellophane noodles 春雨 " and of course white ワイン wine from France to go with@home チョキ
元 midi 事務長日記-Vietnam food

Into the Wild ~ ?

元 midi 事務長日記-Tiger ?
にゃー ~ Having a good time Meow 音譜 how about you Dad はてなマーク

What's going on out there ...

元 midi 事務長日記-はな子
にゃー so she heard someone ( other cats ) crying somewhere but couldn't see a thing, curious about what's going on I guess ~
元 midi 事務長日記-花子チャン

Good Morning

元 midi 事務長日記-Grap ... ?
T.G.I.F. today everyone 音譜 have a nice day ...