This year 2024 

My mom has been so fine in good condition ! 

Last year she had so tough treatment to let her bad tumor on thyroid go off !! By Kimo cerapy and radiation, sometimes she was suffered by side effect ! 

I really think she is such an amazing woman to get it over !! Of course my hard job to care for my mom was necessity and without it the sickness was getting worse maybe !! 


My mom will welcome her zodiac year in 2024 as Dragon 辰年🐲^_^

You know it means she will be 96 years old !!! Amazing !!!!! 

Recently she has been not well in her health, but due to my warm caring as a daughter 😂so hard tough 投げ出したい介護😩😩😩she could get over each sickness in her front !!! We had a nice lunch at Hotel Okura Kyoto !! 🎄🎄🍁🎄

A few times a week I am able to find my fitness time for dance 🎶🎶

I am absorbed in Konami dance programs !! 


My mom has been getting better and better ! 

Radiation treatment onto her neck swelling tumor and Kimo cerapy were at last in the end  but hard side effect like sore in throat and she was not able to eat like before !! 

I cooked such dishes for her to eat well !! 

Soft, nice view to increase appetite! 

Small portion looks so good to let her feel hungry !! 



Two days ago on Sunday night !!!

We made it to visit our favorite restaurant !!!she was back to her normal eating custom 😊


Barraca in Kyotodown town is one of our favorite restaurants near by !!! 

We ordered two kinds of paella pans like pork/ sausages and sea food and Omal shrimp 🦐!!

We celebrated birthday 🎂 our granddaughter and her mom yah!! my daughter in law !! 

My mother looked so happy and relax surrounded family !!! Her appetite is less than before I know ! But she enjoyed and had a great time ! 

95歳まだまだ元気で日曜日dinner 連れて行きます!!❤️❤️

My mom has been doing her best to keep patient for her lot of pills to cure her thoroughly tumor caused by pragmatic cells!!!  Her swollen neck turned out to be closer to the format size , still puffy ! One a week Berukeido. Shot has to be taken onto her belly skin under her belly borrromn!!  Side effect was not appeared so big ! So she can eat soft cooked food !!





My mom made a great effort and kept patient for these 10 days! In my mom’s case, Kimo 

therapy included one shot into berry skin once a week not like a dripping way. It is a very up- to- date Kimo treatment ! The most important symptom was rapid allergic response after the first shot but just a little feeling of vomiting happened every afternoon ! That’s it ! My mom was very strong age 95!!!!!!!

Anyway, the doctor told me she is going to leave there next Tuesday when she takes the second Kimo shot on Monday !!!


I met a couple of duck on the way home from hospital ❤️❤️

My mom is now in the hospital ! Even now so 

Strict about seeing patients besides talking through smartphone !!  Due to Covid 19 !!  

I was crying but we should get over this hard moment.  No choice for us !  Without this treatment, she will be in much more hard symptom! Her Doc. Is a very great specialist ! Specialized for the blood cancer. Anyway, from tomorrow Kino therapy will strat !  I want to stay along side her but I cannot get in her room even to her rooms area ! Smartphone is banned to use in her room ! But nurses try to take her “OK Zone” to use her cell phone to talk with me ! I can’t do anything my housewhold things ! Becase until now cooking and Shopping glocerry was for my mom !! I am empty now …..


I love you so much ❤️会いたい

My mom age 95 has been taking thyroid hormone medical care for about 15 years more. 

After catheter operations were done perfectly in early May and came home !! she really looked so great and enjoyed eating ! But she got another bad symptom to swell her neck !!  So puffy ! I guess her immunity potential energy was lost a little by little !!  She lost her weigh !

I try to take care of my loving mom honestly every single day !!! I don’t want to accept this is just senile !! Cancer ???? Thyroid cancer ??? 

The hospital will give us their last result on 6/6 !! So afraid !! I don’t want lose my mom but just I will do it when I think I have to do something for her !!!

My mom got over two catheters through both feet artery to enlarge the blood pipe size to flow the blood smoothly into the toes. 

Perfect done !! But I guess she lost energy and immunity system was not full driven. So she has been suffered the disease called Hashimoto disease !! 橋本病

Thyroid was swelling and goiter was too big Eco and CT showed no tumor and Dc said it was caused by shortage of hormone but in a worst case, we recommend to pic some cells by a thin needle into thyroid and lumpa and deny cancer will be effective to go on toward the next treatment for your mom!!

6/6 everything will be realized !! 



I pray for my mom’s get well 🙏🙏🙏

Look at my mom’s happy and relax face !! I took her to the buffet style restaurant at Hotel Okura Kyoto ! Any hotel has very nice hospitality to the wheel chair person like my mom ! You know she can walk with a walker but long walk is impossible so I use the wheel chair to carry her to the destinated place ! After let her sitting down on the chair at the dinner table, I am relieved and she ate saying delicious delicious !! 
