
I went to the airport to see EastWest Boys on 11th:)

I was so excited to see them!

Todd was so cute! I love him so much<3 lol

yeah, He remembered my face, also my name!

I never tell him my name before!

I couldn't believe that he knows my name!lol

AJ is really nice boy when I saw him:)

His face was so happy when I gave him a candy XD haha

I had so much fun to talk with Chris XD

He was really happy to hear I told him that my brother wants to be like him:D

anyways, I was so happy that I could take some pictures with EWB that day:)

then I went to TOHO cinema's film festival.

EWB's show was amazing every time as always.

$One Wish...

I know Todd noticed me, pointed me, blew kiss to me!

I was almost die!lol

I took some videos so I will upload on my YouTube<3

I will see them on Tuesday or..Ringing Jam!

You know, I got a chance to Meet and Greet at Ringin Jam!

I'm so excited<3 Yes, Yes, so excited, I love EWB!



It's almost time that EastWest Boys will come to Japan!

I just can't wait to see them again<3

I know Todd still remember my face~<3 haha

cuz we danced together last time and I promised that we gonna dance again:)

He is gonna teach me dance! can you believe that!? lol

Goshhhhhhh,,, I'm so excited!!!!

I can't explain how I fell and I how much I missed to see them!

they gonna have events in Osaka and Nagoya,

I have no money to go, but I'm sure that I will be in Tokyo's event.

and I'm gonna see them at the airport!:D

I still not decide what I gonna give a present to themmmm!!!

Do you have any ideas????

EWG! I can't wait to see you guys soon<3

Sorry I haven't uploaded the blog in ages!
I think my friends wanted me to write a blog:D lol

anyway, I went to Taylor Swift @ Zeep Tokyo on Feb 17th!
Actually I met her before the concert.
I chased her during when she was in Tokyo.
so you know, I met her like 4 times:D

I could get her 3 autographs and 2 guitar picks:D
$One Wish...
I will give one autograph to my friend who couldn't go to Tay's concert:D
I hope she will like it, I know she will!!!!!!:P

well, Tay's concert was amazing!
I couldn't stop smiling when she was singing.
She was so cool and her mom, too!

I can't explain how cool she was!
if you wanna read my another blog in Japanese, just ask me!
I do write blogs more than here~!

Hey guys!

I think you guys already know that Taylor Swift will be in Japan on Feb 17th.

Can you believe that?

I couldn't believe that she will be here, cuz every each her concert tickets in the U.S., everything sold out.

It means she is a super star! so I was like OMGGGGGGG!!!lol

anyway, I'll go to her concert with my BFFs:)))

I'm so exciting about it:)

well, I just wanna say thank you to Maika-san who got the ticket for me!

I hope we can see her so close<3 lol

Taylor must be so beautiful!

I just start to keep listening her song every day!

I can't wait that day to meet her<3

and Ima stay my friend's house also! I mean Sleep Over!

Goooshhhhh<3 can't wait! I'm really exciting!

uh oh...lol

But I still listening my FAVORITE group "EASTWEST BOYS" though!

they are really awesome!

they will be back in March! so Ima see them soon!

Their new song called "ENCORE" stuck my head!

so I'm singing forever, even I'm working!lol

well, If you gonna go to Taylor Swift's concert, let me know..haha

I hope I can see you there<3 I mean Zeep Tokyo! lmao

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hey guys!

how are you doin today?

I just wanna stoppin to say merry christmas:))))

what did you do today?

did you date with your bf? lol jk

I supposed to do that if I didnt break up with my ex. lol

well, actually not, cuz he lives in the U.S. haha

we broke up like few months ago.

cuz I had to back to Japan, you know.

so even we broke up, we are still friends.

also he is still cute.haha

anyway, I had a party with my friends:)

we had cakes, n a lots of food!

im so full right now.

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well this pic taken by my friend who has blonde hair:P

I have no idea when she took,

n how ugly face I have!

gosh, i'm killin myself...lmao

soooo I hope you had great day!


Hey guys,

I'm sorry that I haven't written my blog here in ages..LOL

I didn't tell you my days..

well, I had too many things to tell you:)

hm..I passed scholar ship exams!

and~ I went to Tokyo to see EWB:)

do you know EWB is? I mean EastWest Boys:)

well, they just debut in Japan, but they are Americans^^

They had a concert on Oct. 25th.

I met a lot of nice people, I became friend with them!

We got group named EWG:P hahaha

I'm talking with them every time on MSN^^

They are really nice to me!!!

I'm so happy to see them every time when I go to Tokyo<3

I love them so much!!!<3

I'm so thanks to Yuki who became friend with me first time before EWB's concert:)

Also, Shino, Rino, Megumi, Miyuki, and Kasumi!

they are awesome!!!!!!

I can't wait to see them next time in March when EWB come to Japan!


I have a news..

I got a letter of result from college which I wanna go.

I passed it!!!!!!!!!!!

I still don't know about scholar ship exam was.

I can't wait to live in Tokyo.

but I'm really afraid about I can live without my family.

I was okay when I was in America, cuz I had a second family.

However, I'm not gonna have family there.

I wish my sis still live there one more year T_T

well, I'll be okay.

I hope my bestie Aino gonna take care of me XD hahahaha

oh, do you know "The Higher"?

they gonna come to Japan, and have a show premire!

I got e-mail that I can go to the show case!:)

I'm so happy though!!!!!!!

so, I will go to Tokyo next week on Thursday<3

hope I can meet my friends there!
