In order to get more information about companies, everyone who wants to get a job has to make a 'entry'.

Where the entry means to send one's personal data to particular companies.

In some cases, applicants have to fill out the form called entry sheet.

Some of the companies in Japan employ entry sheet as a first step to select applicants.

For this reason, applicants carefully make their entries.

By the way, I entried several companies today.

In order to know the system of society, I am going to know more about several companies in which I do not want to work now.

137th day

vocabulary 1301 words

listening time 167 hours

※figures in total

I talked with the international student of my laboratory on Japanese diet today.

She said it was unusual for her to eat raw food such as fish.

Since she came from China, she thought that almost all the foods were cooked before eaten.

But she ate sushi for the first time yesterday and that made her mind change.

She said it was very delicious.

Then, she got more interested in Japanese food.

I am going to recommend takoyaki to her.

136th day

vocabulary 1295 words

listening time 166 hours

※figures in total

Recently I have been curious about economics.

I bought several books written about economics and economical history in Japan.

I used my time reading the books and spent less time studying English, especially reading because it was hard for me to read and understand all the contents of the books written in Japanese or English.

I am going to study the companies and the economical history of Japan at the same time in this winter although I belong to department of engineering.

I cannot help studying economics because my curiousity is out of control!

I wanna know about the companies in Japan from many viewpoints.

135th day

vocabulary 1290 words

listening time 165 hours

※figures in total

Recently I have been thinking about the Christmas present for my girlfriend.

A typical present such as a jewelry costs a lot.

It is too expensive for me to decide to buy.

I have heard from her that she wanted a bag.

I am going to seek the one that suits my girlfriend in this weekend.

I wish if I could find good one as soon as possible.

Anyway, I have to discuss with my wallet or with my girlfriend's taste.

134th day

vocabulary 1286 words

listening time 163 hours

※figures in total

I took part in the JOB SESSION today.

One firm was so good to me that I could not help asking its worker to give me more information about the company or how or why he selected the company.

He answered very kindly and specifically.

The company made me hold best impression of all the companies that I had ever visited its booth and been explained about them.

Everytime I go to the place in which job session is heId, I can find important facts and understand further about a particular field of society.

I wanna see more companies by the end of this year to seek my place.

By the way, I am going to trip to Tokyo to join the seminar of one firm and JOB FORUM tomorrow.

The company which I am supposed to attend its seminar is one of the consulting firms.

133rd day

vocabulary 1283 words

listening time 162 hours