Konnichiwa My Friends !チョキ

Today I went Shopping女の子ワンピース帽子 at 3rd Street in Santa Monica.星

We saw many street performers. Dancers,キラキラ Singersカラオケ & Fortune Tellers砂時計.

I always like coming to 3rd Streetグッド!, Because its fun to see whats new and trendy.あし

Tomorrow I will have my Summer 星晴れSchool Class.にゃー

MY summer school is 2 classesしょぼん and will last 8 weeks long.

I had to do this for extra credit because I got a Cしょぼんしょぼん in one class during the normal school year.

USA univ is so so hard. We have many testダウン and quiz's each week.しょぼん

We get about 3 to 4 hours of home work Monday to Friday.ビックリマーク

After my return from Japan,グッド! I will go to UCLA Univ...... ラブラブUCLA is a famous Univ in LA. ラブラブ

Take a Tour of the campus someday ビックリマークビックリマーク

Todays Horoscope is :

Aquarius - Some people will take what you say the wrong way today. Be sure to explain yourself more than usual to avoid confrontations. Even though you feel that this plan of attack is not working, they will come to realize that you made the effort and there will not be any bad feelings towards you.

Aries - Someone in your family is wondering about your intentions today. Make sure to discuss what your plans are as you will get the support you are looking for once you reveal your future goals and aspirations.

Cancer - A surprise awaits you today. It will catch you totally off guard. There are no more details about this one or it won't be a surprise.

Capricorn - You have to make a decision but you can't figure out which way to turn. This decision has important consequences for the next several years of your life. When you can't make a choice, it is best not to choose anything but let it play out. This will allow universal forces to take over and show you that no action is required from you in these particular circumstances.

Gemini - This is a day to re-evaluate the way you handle disappointment. You are intellectually and emotionally ready to explore this subject. Rather than avoid your feelings, try doing the exact opposite and not escaping into your regular routine. It will become obvious that you have let a number of things build up. These are causing you unnecessary stress. Tackling your problems head on will help you to rely less on non-productive solutions.

Leo - You seem to be letting fate control your life lately and today is no exception. Actually, you may not think you have much choice in certain matters but you actually do. We all have free will to make changes in our life but you will definitely find out quick enough when you make the wrong ones.

Libra - You are feeling a bit down today as you have been blocking out certain things lately. The only problem is when you block the bad feelings, you also block out the good ones like joy and happiness. Try a different technique like talking about your feelings rather than turning them off.

Pisces - Today you need to think of how you can lessen the time it takes to do the more mundane things in your life. This will free up valuable time for you to get things back on track. Your lack of organization was a good indication that you were over-stressed and this needs to be dealt with right away.

Sagittarius - People around you are acting ridiculous today basing their actions on misinformation which is frustrating you. This is where your personal resolve and life skills come into play. We need to have our skills at dealing with these situations sharpened periodically to be ready for when they are really required. i.e. job interview, emergency situations, or anytime where we need to keep our cool. Treating the situation as potentially beneficial will help you to work it out with a better approach.

Scorpio - The answer that you were looking for shows up today. The way it comes about though will be a bit of a surprise as you assumed that the one that would provide you with the information would be more knowledgeable.

Taurus - Going with your gut feeling today will pay off in a big way. Others will try to change your mind so be sure and heed what your inner voice tells you. Don't let the tactics of those around you try to interfere with what is best for you. You may come across as opinionated or stubborn but the end results are what matter most.

Virgo - It is getting near to a special day for someone close to you. Today as you are reminded of this, you will try to think of something different to do for them. Instead of spending money, be sure to give them a more valuable gift - your time. Since you are in a sentimental mood, you may want to revisit a place that held special meaning for you both.
