Japan Community Center (JCC)
Supported by Setagaya-Sekai in 2010 ドンッ
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Enjoy cultural experience with friends

Thank God for the good weather just right for a walk at Minkaen. We have
International students and Japan Community members. We have students from Fuji Island and from Africa. We exchanged ideas how history impacted today's living.
We all shared briefly about their own countries too.

During Edo Period, the society is divided into four social groups and villages
were organised into groups of five housholds who helped each other and if one
household committed a crime, all five were punished.

The students are surprised to see one house has multiple shrines to different
kami in different parts of the house. There are shinto kami and buddhas. During Edo period, Shoguns made Christianity illegal and cut off trade relations with all Europeans except for the Dutch.

Interestingly, many Japanese people today still only think of Christianity in
terms of political subversion or instability, instead of focusing on its theology and beliefs.

enjoying Japanese culture

Japan Community Center (JCC)Japan Community Center (JCC)Japan Community Center (JCC)Japan Community Center (JCC)

Goodbye to friends

Japan Community is moving on to new stage!
Recently I have farewell parties one after another!
It is very sad to see many friends are leaving Tokyo since the 311
earthquake :(
However, I have friends from USA especially want to come to Japan now.
Praise God! They have arrived!(^O^)/
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