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How to tattoo

Your can learn how to tattoos from this blog, and you will like tattoos.

If you are amongst those fascinated by the super powers of angels as well as fairies, getting yourself inked with a similar theme can be a great idea. In terms of design, fairy tattoos look awesome thanks to the detailing. Additionally, fairies are imaginative creatures and so the tattoo designer is given more creative freedom to make the art work look even more appealing. Given the universal meaning of fairy being a kind hearted woman who grants wishes, fairy tattoos are extremely popular for boys as well as girls. Even when you approach the tattoo shop, you are most likely to find thousands of design making it quite difficult for you to choose what's best. Therefore, it is always advised to do your bit of research prior to opting for a fairy tattoo.

For those of planning to get one, here are a few suggestions about the different options available.

The Tinker Bell fairy

This is a tiny fairy character that was first introduced in the Peter Pan series and continues to rule hearts even today. Tinker Bell's tiny frame, kind looks coupled with blonde hair and a simple dress makes her an impressive fairy tattoo design option as well. Additionally, you don't need to restrict your tattoo design to Tinker Bell alone. You are free to include other characters from the Peter Pan series to make the design look even more impressive.

The fairy chain

If you are unable to choose a particular fairy as your tattoo design, check out the fairy chain tattoo options. As the name suggests, this tattoo design focuses on creating a chain of fairies on the chosen part of the body. Depending on your requirements, the area chosen and several other factors, a chain could be simple where several fairies are holding hands in a circle or complicated.

Angels: Similar to fairies, angels are also a popular tattoo design option. The angel tattoo is known to symbolize the presence of hope and goodness in life and therefore adds a tint of positivity to your personality. Needless to say, you are sure to find several options in this category as well.
If you are considering getting a tattoo removed it is good to get the right information before you commit to a studio. Since you are reading this article, then chances are you are already looking for options. Of course, now that you have come to the stage of deciding to remove your tattoo, the question is, "What do I look for in a tattoo removal studio?" This is an important question to ask and find a good answer to because the wrong decision can lead to a painful situation and lack of results.

Laser tattoo removal is a medical procedure, despite not needing to cut into patients or requiring medicine to treat. Try to find a studio that treats it as such and has an experienced and trained team. This procedure requires expertise; this means that the laser tattoo removal studio has either licensed technicians and more importantly, doctors.

Make sure you do research on local studios. The right tattoo removal studio should answer questions, be easy to contact, and has staff which is certified to use the lasers. Do not just settle for the first place you find. Tattoo removal is a big deal, cost's money and is moderately painful.

A few things to look for:

Reviews (Yelp, Google & Facebook)
Before and after photos.
Studio's Social Media
The first step is to schedule a consultation with the studio. Check out their site, talk to staff and learn their instructions for pre & post removal. The studio should offer this for free.

Make sure to review the procedure and ask questions. The studio's site should give an overview of the procedure and you can also look for general procedure notes on respected medical sites. The laser tattoo removal procedure is not complex but you should still know something about it and be familiar with it. Some studios use multiple lasers depending on color and size of the tattoo. Ask which laser will be used for your tattoo removal and do research to learn about each specific laser. Ask if they offer the R20 procedure because this could be a great option for you. Another quality laser is the Asclepion TattooStar Effect Laser because it can tackle many ink colors. The doctor and staff will be able to asses your skin type and decide during your consultation which laser will be used for treatment.
Certain misinformation about laser tattoo removal floats around and has people believing that they cannot take advantage of new technological advances in this industry. People often hear and believe these lies to be true because they hear them so frequently. These myths are dangerous; if someone hears a myth about something enough times they believe it is a true fact, then they could use that wrongful information and even endanger their lives. It is important to know what the myths are about laser tattoo removal and know what information is false or true and why they are so.

The first myth about laser tattoo removal is that a laser hair removal laser is able to remove a tattoo just as well as a laser tattoo removal laser. This is myth cannot be further from the actual truth. Why is this untrue? Simple, the light pulse waves from the hair removal laser functions differently than the tattoo removal laser. A tattoo removal laser is much stronger than a hair removal laser in both light pulsations and wavelengths. Due to these facts, the hair removal laser is not adequate to remove tattoo ink and could cause serious scarring, pain and aggravation of the skin. During tattoo removal the laser works to break up the ink under the skin, so using a hair laser will simply bother the skin, instead of breaking up the ink like it is supposed to do.

The second myth about laser tattoo removal is that new tattoos cannot be removed and that you have to wait. This is a lie. While it is true that older tattoos are generally easier to remove than new tattoos, it is not impossible to remove new tattoos. The reason some tattoos are harder to remove than others is all dependent on the colors in the tattoos, the size, the location of the tattoo and the skin type of the person who is getting removal. While lasers these days have gotten much better at being able to remove all colors, some colors are still harder to remove but not impossible. If a tattoo is unable to be removed, it is more likely the person does not have a strong immune system and it has little to do with the laser or the tattoo itself.

The third and final myth about laser tattoo removal is that a tattoo can be removed in a single treatment. This is far from reality and is not scientifically proven. No tattoo can be completely removed in a single session. Even small, black tattoos require a few sessions to completely removed and again, it has little to do with the laser, but more the skin type and health of the patient.
A tattoo is a design inked into the outer layer of the human skin with indelible ink and a needle.

Tattoos began as religious symbols flaunted by ancient tribal communities centuries ago. The culture of tattooing one's body is today being seen as a popular body art; it is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds.

Most people want to get a tattoo done on their bodies because they wish to have something on them that they can relate to meaningfully; besides tattoos provide a certain sense of appeal that adds to an individual's personality.

There are many popular categories of tattoos just as there are equally popular parts of the body that people want to carry tattoos on. Men choose different areas while women go with those that not only help them flaunt the tattoos but also add to aesthetic appeal and visibility.

The most popular tattoo areas for women are:

• Neck 
• Arms 
• Ear 
• Shoulder 
• Hand 
• Finger 
• Half-sleeve 
• Ribcage 
• Leg 
• Ankle

A quick analytical review of tattoo designs shows some which are more sought after and popular than others. The single most important factor about tattoos is that it is 'indelible', meaning it is virtually impossible to remove and is likely to remain on the body forever. Of course, now there are some methods that involve half-painful procedures for tattoo removal but these could be complicated.

Although tattoo designs constantly change and new themes are introduced each day, some 'classics' have stood firm favorites against the march of time.

Some of the most popular designs are:

1. Butterfly - a symbol of mankind's innate desire to take flight and be free; also represents femininity, elegance and high spirit

2. Angels and fairies - signify love and purity, a belief towards Christian teachings and a sign of devotion

3. Heart - displays the romantic nature, symbol of love and affection

4. Dragonfly - representative of a woman's free spirit and denotes compassion, courage, luck and wisdom along with a calm countenance.

5. Sun - popular as a religious as well tribal symbol to denote distinctiveness; variations like the Celtic sun and Shiny sun are hugely popular.

6. Star - single or cluster, they are a symbol of good luck and wishes, also denote ambition and hope.

7. Moon - associated with love and dreams, and heaven as well. Some like to use it in conjunction with the sun as a 'yin-yang'.

8. Rose - the rose is a symbol of affection and deep love, expresses peace and purity. Different colors denote different aspects.

9. Snake - contrary to popular belief, snake symbols represent fertility, knowledge and wisdom; also denote mythical associations either positive or negative.

10. Feather - inscribed for their aesthetic beauty, symbolizes enlightenment and freedom.

11. Dolphin - nearly 95% of all dolphin tattoos are inked on women. Dolphin tattoos come in two variants - traditional and tribal, both of which signify freedom and happiness.

12. Hello Kitty - the innocence displayed by the cute kitty has a universal appeal like a cartoon character.

13. Musical notes - adorned mostly by music lovers and musicians to display their love for music, this also denotes fun, passion and thrill.

14. Zodiac sign - gives an insight into the individual's personality. The unique characteristics of each zodiac sign reveal the kind of person the wearer is.

15. Orchids - orchids are very popular among flower designs because of its alluring beauty and distinctive looks.

16. Portraits - babies are the first choice in this category; loved ones are usually the next choice.

17. Flames - symbolic of life, passion, rebirth and wisdom; also signify death and destruction.

18. Religious designs - denotes a person's religious affinity

19. Birds - usually large birds that soar high are the favorites; represents the dominant trait of the individual.

20. Animals - some of the most popular animal figures are cats, dogs, horses, lions, tigers etc.; pets are a huge favorite especially for someone who has lost an adored one recently.
Choosing tattoo removal is a long-awaited decision that is now available on your doorstep. There are many of studios and companies providing this service, enabling you to safely lighten an existing tattoo or eliminate it, leaving you with a clear skin.

The advantage is that laser technology is constantly improving and the technology used today is good for each tattoo design, based on size and color. Color is an important consideration with darker colors taking longer to remove than lighter ones.

This type of procedure offered by a professional technician with experience with laser treatment. It is a safe and effective solution that can give you tattoo elimination in only a few months.

Tattoo removal prices vary from studio to studio. It depends on the color and size of the tattoo and how many sessions you will need. There are also a several laser options available, with some being slightly more expensive than others.

Before you start shopping around to find the best tattoo removal prices in your area, it's worthwhile doing some research on the different treatment options and how much they will cost.

Remember that you won't get rid of an unwanted ink in one session. You will have to attend sessions periodically over a several months to enjoy results. Don't be disappointed if you don't see results after one treatment, this is often only possible after the revolutionary R20 treatment, which is slightly more expensive, but takes a shorter period to cut any tattoo, even darker ones.

Try and find a minimum of three companies that offer tattoo removal within easy travelling distance of your home or work. Don't go for the first one that offers great tattoo removal prices, there are certain things you want to take into consideration before making any final decisions.

Do some research into each company. The best place to do this is online, you can find much information and read many honest customer reviews. You've already done the research on the procedure, now it's time to make sure you get the best studio to complete the treatment.

If you can't find anyone who has had this treatment at any of the studios you have found, go in and speak to the team. Ask them for references of those they have already treated and make sure you contact them. It is imperative that you only use a reputable company with experienced technicians that use the highest quality laser treatments.

The company should take the time to explain the different options to you and how you can benefit from each one. At this point the tattoo removal price shouldn't be a consideration. While it's nice to find the service for cheaper, it's more important you find a superior studio that has your best interests in mind.

Ask them how they make sure you are safe during the procedure. The top quality studios that give you the best service will have a medical examiner on site at all time, should anything go wrong.

If you have sensitive skin, then explain this to the technicians. The advantage to laser treatment is that it can be tailored to you, the color ink you're trying to remove and your skin tone, ensuring a convenient, effective and safe solution.

Always ask how many sessions they believe you will need to cut your ink completely, if this is what you want to make. Some top studios will offer you a package price, which will cover all the sessions, while others charge by the session. Remember to take the company's ability, reputation and experience into consideration before looking at the cost.