Finally.. I'm able to update my blog. ニコニコ
So.. Now I'm here at Liminka School of Arts.. Drawing comics ビックリマーク

It's really nice here. Nice people, nice teachers, nice room mate. And stuff.
Although being here makes me kinda unable to sing or dance or record anything..
But whatever. I like drawing.

Here's me at train.. looking kinda tired. I didn't get much sleep that night.

Aaaand here's me in front of the house I'm living right now. Still looking kinda tired. 汗
Today.. Well last night I.. didn't sleep at all. So I slept this morning (・ω・)/

I woke up at 12am and just.. sat. Kinda boring, right?

I also listened radio preview of ℃-ute's new song 「Danceでバコーン」
I was a little surprised that I actually like it. And everyone got solo lines! ラブラブ

And then I watched some Magic Knight Rayearth. It was my favourite anime when I was little~

Now I should really start cleaning up this place and.. packing stuff.

Bye then!
Hello everybody! This is my first blog entry here.
My name is Laura, I live in Finland. And have a quite boring life so there's no reason for anyone to read this blog.. ( ̄∇ ̄+)

Anyway.. Today I met one of my "old" friends. We went to coffee and I ordered cafe mocca :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:

Now I'm going to draw something..

Bye bye!