I should prepare to my exams but I want to write something in my blog. I do this so seldom. (`・ω・´)

I'm waiting for TRiP Novel an RR 046 from Japan. The Russian Post is so slow ヾ(▼ヘ▼;)Yeah, DVD This iz 0 is also in the post box.

22nd May was my birthday and I bought Haruki Murakami's books - 1Q84 ビックリマーク

I will read it in summer!

The second great present was a little kitten who my family took from the tree (*^o^*)I called her Bella. She is so cute ラブラブ

I began to write the 4th part of Mirror Chronicles - "Reflections". My bunny painted Keru in his monstrous image. He looks so awesome!


Also Takeru said he could paint a manga by motifs of "Reflections".
Then if I change the names we can release it in Japan sometime as yaoi manga (●´ω`●)ゞ

And... perhaps the most important. I sent a silver ring to Takeru. I wore it on my prom, but now it fits the situation of my wish to marry my sweet love. Doesn't matter that we are both girls. Waiting for his answer when he will see this ring in the heart-shaped box ドキドキ

Mimimi... (●´ω`●)ゞ

Our first anniversary ドキドキ

My very S&M Love!

Keru/Takeru - Forever ラブラブ

It was amazing year. It was a year full of joy, happiness, pain, tears, unbelievable thoughts and many mistakes.

I won your heart. I will make you happy definitely!

WE ARE 天使と悪魔!!

First... Takeru's blog doesn't exist anymore (T_T)
Second... All the jrock fans in Russia get mad of the Kubana Fest and the Gazette arrival to us.

What about me? I'm gonna have a new tattoo made. I did in Photoshop a sample already. Wanna have it until 8th March ビックリマーク

My baby has real cool boobs (●´ω`●)ゞ J'adore.......
He told that he had head over heels in love with me ねこへび

Spring, can you come faster? (*^.^*)

By the way....桜
I don't have any photo concerning to all my words higher (。・ε・。)
So I just show my small collection of Sponge Bob Figures from Kinder Surprise Promo-line o(〃^▽^〃)o


Tschuss 目