The Japan Meteorological Agency announced that cherry trees began to bloom in Tokyo today. My husband and I enjoy cherry blossoms every year. His days off are Saturday and Sunday, so we have to consider which weekend the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom. If it's going to be warm, the blossomed will quickly bloom and then fall, so the period isn't very long. On the other hand, if it will be cold, it takes a few more days for them at their best. We will check the weather channel ever day, and decide the best day for us.
Today I think I was coming down with something. I was likely to throw up all day long, so I lay down. I think I should go to bed earlier than usual. Good night.
Currently I'm really into marshmallow. Actually it wasn't one of my favorites when I was little. I don't know why my taste changed. As I get older, I feel that things that I like are changing.