a man and a woman  | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥
theme: Message from U2  
Hi babe,
I don't know why I am writing this because I really hope that this letter never gets to you,
because if it does that means I am dead. It also means I never had time to show you just how much I really did love you.
You have shown me what love is and what it feels like to be loved.
Every time you kissed me and our lips touched so softly I could feel it.
I got the same magical feeling as our first kiss. I could feel it when our hearts get so close they are beating as one.
You are the beat of my heart, the soul in my body; you are me because without you I am nothing.
I love you Helen, you are my girlfriend, my fiancee and my best friend.
You are the person I know I could turn to when I needed help,
you are the person I looked at when I needed to smile and you are the person I went to when I needed a hug.
When I am away it is like I have left my soul by your side.
You have shown me so much while you have been in my life that if I lost you I could not live.
You have shown me how to live and you have shown me how to be truly happy.
I want you to know that every time I smile that you have put it there.
You make me smile when others can't, you make me feel warm when I am cold.
You have shown me so much love and so much more.
I want you to know how much you mean to me.
You are my whole world and I love you with all my heart, you are my happiness.
There is no sea or ocean that could stop my love for you.
It is the biggest thing I have ever had.
When I say I love you I am trying to say .....
That you make me feel warm and great about myself,
you make me smile and laugh everyday; you make time to talk to me and listen to what I have to say.
I know god put me and you on this earth to find each other, fall in love and show the rest of the world what true love really is.
I know this is going to sound sad but every night I spent away I had a photo of you on my headboard.
Each night I would go to bed, kiss my fingers then touch your face.
I put the photo over my bed so you could look over me as I slept.
Well now it is my turn to look over you as you sleep and keep you safe in your dreams.
I will always be looking over you to make sure you're safe.
Helen I want to say something and I mean this more than I ever did before.
You were the love of my life, the girl of my dreams.
Just because I have passed away does not mean I am not with you.
I'll always be there looking over you keeping you safe.
So whenever you feel lonely just close your eyes and I'll be there right by your side.
I really did love you with all I had, you were everything to me.
Never forget that, and never forget I will always be looking over you.
I love you, you are my soul mate.
Love always and forever. Lee.

    Quotation ☞ http://allabout.co.jp/study/basicenglish/closeup/CU20061026A/index3.htm
    October 24, 2006      
    I who knows the content of the letter above keep listening to this song on this day.