Why?  | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥
asahi.com>ニュース特集> 米乱射事件  (Japanese NEWS sight LINK's)
Perhaps, it is a result of a tragedy
this time when it seems that you still know and it doesn't get it as follows. 

Virginia Tech Shootings: Sooner or Later God'll Cut You Down  
A Tribute to Those Lost at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007  
Virginia Tech Victims Memorial  
In Memory Of Virginia Tech  
A Columbine Tribute  
Virginia Tech University Massacre clips  
Virginia Tech University Shooting clips (see more on NewsP1)  
AAaa virginia tech More senseless deaths  
Bowling for Columbine  
A Song For Virginia Tech  
Why do you think you can play God?  
After a big impact
It is a grief sorrow like doubtfulness that I breathe.
Popular consideration : to not being every throwing the resentment at where either.
It is small and ..one.. ..wearing.. in doing to the twicer treatment who it is.
Even though what tragedy
To not becoming in man's world on this earth today
Breaking out only in man's world, and happening fact and reality that breaks out.
Why? Why do you repeat? Moreover,
it is not before and the content though it escalates.
While doing at the time of flooded a lot of biased information
If there are room also on own mind and the body now
You should value yourself who can control freewill where it drives recklessly.
It stops it, and individual man is in exchanged
information to confirm it again those each one at the people, and the
common feature to which it can relieve it as a person is finding at the next stage.
the mind of the belief when I and from a lot of the information am obediently correct
But all these are all ..cheat.. in the lie of media.
Be so at that 911.
And, why why did these kind of things happen?Where in man's today
world did the cause have the problem?Really..commit suicide..
individual..mental status..problem.I will surely solve ahead of that
in the human race society like the hell that the god and France do
not redeem man either in the near future.
   関連記事 Related article self text ほか
                                   English translation wholly   
                                   Astonish, and after translating all pages into English clicking here 
                                   Please advance toward the page 
                                   that you want to read from the menu of the theme
                                   of the sidebar in the right. 

http://news.ameba.jp/2007/04/4318.php#com  2007年04月19日 22:24
http://ameblo.jp/badlife/entry-10028446311.html  March 20, 2007
Blinded by Sun 遮られた太陽  written by MasaAki Minami summer 2002’
http://ameblo.jp/badlife/entry-10016930201.html  September 11, 2006
米・銃乱射事件 韓国系住民が遺族支援基金設立
 16日に起きたバージニア工科大銃乱射事件は、アメリカ史上最悪の犠牲者を出したとともに、多様化する民族をひとつの国に抱えるアメリカにとって新しい問題提議となっている.......... ≪続きを読む≫