☆毎日シュガーMacchiato☆ -5ページ目


I haven't updated for ages . . . . . .
And there would be so many pictures and things to tell about but I'm just too braindead and tired atm . . . . . X________x" ( But maybe later I'll try to be not so lazy )

. . . . . . And I just found out that I have a little fever too . . . . how nice (`×´)


But well, last night there was soooo beautiful full moon and I think that we just gazed it for hoursドキドキ
But of course it has to look only like a small dot in picture :'DDDDD


I found the cure to get rid of my Izaya obsession . . . . .


By getting another obsession instead :-----------D

But the feeling when you are waiting for the newest episodes. . . . .

I feel so empty.


Well this day was a Special Lucky Day.
Until this very moment when there is nothing to do. :------((((((


I guess I should take my mind back to the normal world and start to think about what to do to my hair and other boring stuff.



Yesterday I came back from my aunt (・∀・) On the way home we visited Haikon Kartano,
It was really beautiful place~ ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ<3


Atm I feel really braindead and bored so it's not the best time to update X___x" But Ameba's maintenance is finally over so I automatically came here XD


I'm still wondering why my fortune cookie tells me that it's Special Lucky Day . . . .