


A trip from Gdansk (my hometown) to Warsaw is a real challenge now - takes from 6 to 8 hours, depending on your luck mostly and the railways (since the railways itself are under reconstructions we can end up stopped in the middle of nowhere for any amount of time during our journey). Travelling in Poland had gotten really interesting lately.

Anyway the gig itself was held in STODOŁA (the Barn), an old and traditional place of student (大学生) gatherings and parties. It's a place that even our parents remember, so it's pretty old — one of it's most inconvenient sides is the lack of air-conditioning, but on the other hand if the staff is skilled and thoughtful enough then create drafts which in fact work much better than AC in other venues ;)

Aninreh-gackt napis

The weather was tricky - hot, humind and stormy. Before the gates/doors were open the queue divided itself into two parts - one standing stubbornly under umbrellas and waiting and others hiding under a little roof. We hid.

Aninreh-moknaca kolejka

The gig started on time (I think), and be damned it was so good! The sound at the begining sucked, but after two songs the volume of Gacktさん's and John's mics were highened so that we were able to hear them ;3 The whole YFC was just so so so great and full of energy though we were in a really hot and humid venue and sweating like hell. All of us, YFC guys as well - in a way there was equality bewteen the performers and us, the audience, all connected by heat and mutual sweating (*^▽^*)

And they performed VANILLA! ≧(´▽`)≦ A song that for many was the first to ever listen, the first stone that paved our way to Japanese music! We all went mad singing, shouting, cheering! I've never, ever dreamed that I will be able to hear this particular piece sang live! (*^▽^*)

It was also the first gig which opening act was the same as an ending - with the guys inviting us to cheer for them from the start. We shouted the whole gig, all the time. My throat muslecs hurt till today and I was amazed at how long I could produce sounds! (≡^∇^≡) We shouted for an encore and thumped the floor with ourboots instead of clasping (hand hurt). After the encore we shouted "dziękujemy" (ありがとう) and also あ—り—がと with strange accents and all, but it was easier to shout really. Chachamaruさん quickly started to shouting with us, but Gacktさん took some time to realise what the hell were we screaming and when he did he laughed so genuinely! So fun~~

We all made a promise to meet next year.

Gacktさん, we will have your word!


And as a btw:
Me making strange face at a buidling I saw from Planet Sushi window ;)


Jya, A.
Next week - Dir en grey, London

九月に大学をでた ≧(´▽`)≦
でもまだ ポーランドの文学学生だ。
六月に卒業します ≧(´▽`)≦

12日 もっと老後犬がなくなった。
悲しいだ (´・ω・`)

$Aninreh & faust-Sayuri & Akiko ☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*-Sissi, medale



じゃ, A.