Delve deeper into the Chinese president visit to Washington at CNN Politics - who helped a heck of a lot with this report.

really makes me feel like junk that my tax dollars go to feeding and entertaining celebs at these events. written, I agree with this comment This is to be a discussion about important issues, what are the celeberties doing there? Forget all the campaign talk about was ppor at one point, so understand all of you. Sounds to me like Obama forgotten how it and is favoring rich people as much as past administrations have. It upsets me as well that Y tax dollars are going to fund this dinner. I a small business owner, and I work hard for every single penny the business earns. Might I add, this sum gets taxed pretty heavily,jordan 13 low as if the government worked as hard as I do to put me where I am today. I don mind taxes, but at least respect MY money.

No, it was not supposed to be a productive dinner in terms of talk business The guest selection and seating arrangements were done in a day to accomplish the objective of striking emotion into the Chinese. Look at all the Chinese celebrities invited. They they brought in the White Shoes Boys to show Hu that their success is dependent on Hu business relations with the Cheap Jordans Shoe Boys. But not really the case, but I think they tried to strike on those emotions. That was all show, but could have a more powerful impact then the door meetings which probably covered the obvious issues. They also played the confidence game to make it look like the ball wasn entirely in China court. Adversaries invited, Locally produced food to make him think all Americans can farming, etc.

Are people seriously upset about the United States Government spending money on a state dinner? Really! Come on, this is not a third world nation, this is supposedly the only superpower in the world, and what most would like to call the nation on earth, I think we can handle covering a State Dinner.air jordan 13 retro low If your nuts are in such a tangle over the fiscal policy of this country, direct a little more energy towards your representatives, these are the people who have created this mess, and unfortunately they are also tasked with fixing it.