Death´s day part 2 | タコちゃん love Japan

タコちゃん love Japan


Hello again ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

This is the second part of the Death´s day ドクロ
but this part it was the Death´s day in myニコニコ
school, it was so beautifull let´s see 満月

タコちゃん love Japan

this was a skeleton that was in my classroom 星

タコちゃん love Japan

this photo is difficlut to explain because かお
represents the past mexican culture, but ハロウィン
it is a ritual to the death´s people ニコニコ

タコちゃん love Japan

タコちゃん love Japan

タコちゃん love Japan

this photos are a offering to the death´s people
but in different places of mexico ドキドキ

This culture is very interesting i love it so

音譜Shiver-The Gazette