People who make their own identity system
March 4, 2020 By: sincerelee
[ Epic Power New Recent History ] 2-1-11 .
What kind of status system did Korea have ?




One person provoking rants at a parent who is controversial

Secretary  government of 柳仁村(Yu Inchon,유인촌) .


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In the following, I have pointed out disgust issues in Korea.
Professor, Department of Multicultural Chemistry, Wonju University
This is an article written by Kim Ji-he on Oh My News as a citizen reporter.

As of June 14 , 2009 ,
Actually, this has been introduced before
This is one of the rare materials of Korean social criticism. 


After writing the Jesus Honorable Law entry, a little complement to Korean honorifics

(Use / don't use the word of "Honor your visit",

but it's divided more than necessary.)

I was worried that I could introduce

I will remind you that you put it in your favorite folder a while ago and introduce it today.

Jesus Respect Law

I think it's better to read it, so if you haven't, please read it first.



『下待 (banmal, 반말, bad words) their social status

[ Reporter Oh My News Kim Ji-he ] 2009.06.14 .


<... When Koreans meet people, they first ask about their age.

To decide what to do with the language,

In other words,

to decide whether to add "san(Mr.)" or ~です(-desu)・ます(-masu),

You need to know your age.



(Byputting -desu / -masu at the end instead of -da /

-dearu,you can make the sentence sound more polite and softer)



Not just age.

To start saying Korean,

There is really much to know about the other person.

Occupation, education level, marriage status,

Occupation of parents and spouses, financial abilities, type of car on board,

The city where you live, the clothes you wear


Of course, men and women are also important.


Even though it ’s a profession, there ’s noble people,

You also need to know which position in the profession.

If none of these items were good,

The person must be told how to treat the other person as equal.

There is no need to say beforehand that I treat the other person as equal

But most of the time

『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』

(Speaking with the other person treated as equal) ''

It is up to the partner to decide whether or not to listen.


That is why?

For those who are only older than others,

He is extremely sensitive to the age of only one or two years.

No, months and days are important too.


Someone like me born in January,

To make friends with someone born in December of the previous year

"I was born a year later than you (January)."

I emphasize it.

With only a few days delay,

『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』

Because I don't want to be involved in that hearing


Identity order that appears in the mouth


How『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』 is determined,

Every Korean should know that in their head,

That's why I get really angry while living.


Of course, it's not unconditional

and unpleasant to say『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』.

Have friends, family or lover

『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』 is natural and full of emotion.

My favorite teacher is not bad for me,『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』 

The problem comes out and is used by those who are not close, especially those who are new to it

It's "Who waits 『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』".


『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』 due to strange relations

That can be used is in fact a peculiar phenomenon.

Informal words can usually be used because they are innocent and close to your opponent.

Of course, if you are a stranger, it is naturally difficult to be cautious and difficult.

Second, even though there is no close relationship in Korean society

What is the meaning of being able to "word without formality"?


<・ ・ How to treat today's Korean as equal

Expresses social status, not social differences.

It is not a fixed status of the whole society like the caste system.


Instead, Korea has a personal status class.

It is a class in which each person, including himself, made a line of people around him.

It is not something that someone has decided the rank in advance,

It is your responsibility to create that class.


Because there is no clear standard, according to age, occupation, gender, etc.

You can decide on your own in my heart.

Although a very personal decision, it reflects social prejudice.

The way of speaking, treating the other person as equal,

That's the word I use for people lower than me in the status society I created.


Formal identity society like the Joseon Dynasty may have disappeared,

Creating a position through language cannot be separated from everyday life.

It has become life itself ...>


Some people decorate fancyly to hear higher respect,

Ride high places on expensive foreign cars.


Avoid the things that you enjoy and the job of always listening to unfriendly words.

Rather, they visit places to listen to respectful words even if they are not entertained or talented.

By the day the class goes over low and everyone talks politely to me,

Being higher than higher is the goal of life.


Secretary  government of 柳仁村(Yu Inchon,유인촌)

Angry at 『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』

Not just because he is not educated





"Who did his parents brainwash?"

"Epic scrivener creation? Even in the wrong past"

In front of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism related to a slavery issue on June 3

One person provoking rants at a parent who is controversial


Secretary government of 柳仁村(Yu Inchon,유인촌).

(c) A slavery emergency task force


Secretary  government of 柳仁村(Yu Inchon,유인촌)

Using 『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』 

We see the status society he created.

Through wording that treats and uses parents with his students,

We have already defined him in a very high position,

It turns out that most of the people were stretched under themselves.


The criteria for determining his status do not seem so varied at this time.

President, minister, and people.

About these three types of status?

Looking at his recent tracks, he doesn't care much about his age or occupation.

All the people under the Secretary are equally unfriendly.


Secretary government of 柳仁村(Yu Inchon,유인촌)

The resentment of 『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』

Simply that he has no education in the ministry,

Simply because he didn’t have the liberal arts,

It's not just because they ignored the people and hurt their self-esteem.

The bigger reason to get angry at his ugly words is

He is playing social status,

As such, it is the fact that it is solid.


Born in the Republic of Korea, we have a lifelong fight of exhaustive status.

Isn't it important that some rulers didn't make me decide?

There is no reason why young people must be respected,

There is no end employee

That's not to say that it's easy to hear sloppy words.

How long should we have a society of the sacred bone that is determined by our profession and academic background?

The reverence in everyday life repeated in the mouth

It's not just somewhere that is painful that you may end up sometimes.


Secretary government of 柳仁村(Yu Inchon,유인촌),

The reason we are so resentful in 『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』

In his language, we are not an equal society,

Isn't it to detect the return to a worse society?


The heart of a human who seeks respect is without you

That was the power that led the modern revolution and democracy.

The spirit of eradication and equality, whether left or right,

It is the foundation of a society that is worth sharing among all people living in a democratic state.


The act of spitting out 『下待(banmal, 반말, ugly words) 』to strangers,

It's not just a matter of culture.

Lack of basic understanding of the value of society and the dignity of humans without discrimination.

Secretary government of 柳仁村(Yu Inchon,유인촌)

That's why you are accused of being a public official.



Not for business purposes,

Koreans rarely use honorifics with each other.

Be sure to use someone honorifics,

The converse is to use a speech that treats the other person as equal.


Because such an idea is persistent,

Jesus also uses a speech that treats the other person as equal

A very rare translation of the Bible must have been completed.

It is a tiring story.